Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sundays in Rwanda July 11

There is such an interesting mixture of noises outside right now! It's 7pm and the whole world is out there tonight, I believe! Dogs, people, children, cars honking, it's so interesting....crickets chirping too! I think there is a concert going on across the street here....singing! It's like a big carnival, a regular cacophony of so many sounds! Add a mic and music synthesizer too! This is quite a contrast to how it was this morning.........
This morning I enjoyed a relaxing time of study while awaiting my ride to church. The birds singing have been so beautiful so I audio-taped them! There are more than two types that have such beautiful songs to sing both at the beginning of the day and the dusk.
There are also really big birds that live across the street on top of a house that I see out my window. They swoop and call out......they actually reach out to each other in mid's so interesting to see! I'm reminded that God loves me/you more than birds and these were created with great marvelous care! Are you not of more value than these?...... and yet your Heavenly Father knows when one falls...
Our study continues with Moses tomorrow. I'm feeling pressure to move on!!! However, this course isn't called FOUNDATIONS for nothing! Please continue to pray for us, students teacher, translator. We need Him, by His Spirit to be our Teacher!! What a blessing /privilege to have the truth about things! IMPORTANT eternity! God HELP US to share Him to lost souls. I long to know if these dear ladies and young people are going with me to heaven because they believe in the finished work of Christ on the cross or if they are still working to be/get good enough in their own strength that will never be enough! Please pray for us!


  1. Hey Debbie,

    Thanks for making the effort to keep up your blog! It's been great keeping up and hearing how God is using you. A few years ago I never would have imagined that I'd be reading these things from my cousin in Rwanda--not in the sense of God using you (He's definitely been doing that for years) but finding your niche in such a ministry as this. A butterfly has emerged!

    You mentioned (previous post?) that you deleted a negative post. If it's the one I'm thinking, I read it and I really appreciate your concern for the purity of the gospel of grace.

    God bless you and the ones you touch in your remaining time in Africa. We're praying for you.


  2. Hi David! Thank you for the post! I appreciate you taking the time to write!! I always wonder....who reads this. I know you and Christine do and want to thank you for the input. Yes, the one I deleted I was critical of the salvation! Work, work, work, work to be acceptable to God.....the best we have to offer is still rotten rags.....It's minimizing what sin is really.....
    Also, this week America's pastor (not MINE!) was here. Do you know who I mean? ANYWAY he has been promoting unity with Islam, government sponsored stuff that I really hate seeing. The enemy of our soul is happy about this linking up to be sure because it is the truth, God's Word that will be the name of peace, can't we all just get along.....AH!!!! The government booklet had quotes from Koran and Bible Now I'm really critical!!!! The Bible was used to promote the government health insurance program....verses used taken out of context.....reading the book was upsetting! When I start to get anxious about it then I know it's time to turn it over to Him by praying!!! There are some wonderful believers here who are concerned too...."unequally yoked issues!: A man who spoke at church last Sunday, who is an embassy worker addressed the issue too! It was so encouraging to hear! The Spirit of God was working in other's hearts about this "uniting government" with religious stuff too.
    Thanks for the post! Thank you for praying!!! In His Love,
    ps.I know what you mean.....who would've ever guessed! David! there is a cultural thing here too....people of size....are admired for that! I just find it a bit ironic that this very thing that I have let keep me "back" (at least in my thinking about WHO God can use) is now an admired thing of beauty here! My dear husband is a hero here because he let me come but also it's so obvious...he takes such good care of me! (Hope you read that John...I know you know this already.....ha !) It's just such a joy to be here!

  3. Debbie, I didn't realize until just now that you responded back.

    And I fully agree--John's a great guy!
