Saturday, July 17, 2010

Community Radio UMUCYO

Saturday was a very eventful day in at least three ways. The opportunity to teach Bible on the radio was the high lite! But I must give credit where credit is due! I read from a book called THE LAMB which is by the Good SEED folks. It helped me with simple translatable language directed toward the children as it was a children's program format. The first chapter of the book presents many many scriptures and we read them all over the airwaves! I had Olivia translate some just from the English....but others that were longer we had a dear young woman named Placidai read out of the IKinyarwandian Bible. In the words of Tom, I supplemented the material with the things we have been teaching in the chronological Bible study also. I think it went well as we were asked if we wanted to come back. So I think we may have the opportunity to do Lesson 2 next week!
I told Gasbar the program director for the children that I had 10 lessons but would soon be leaving. He looked at Olivia and we both said "YES!" So, she maybe continuing after I'm long gone! Praise God!!
The program was one hour long and at the end (about 6:45pm) we had a time for callers to call in with questions. Most of the callers were adults and Gasbar had to ask them to let their children speak to ask questions. Many dropped calls, people with comments, Tom even called in to say he and whose with him were listening and others. It didn't go very well as I for one don't think fast on my feet (well, I was sitting down! but you know me) One man asked where was God before the creation of the world. I think I just said He was here, there, everywhere......He Was! The Bible starts out with that fact well placed. In the beginning God created.......He was eternally just there!!! Accept this by faith, just like you must accept His righteous! BY FAITH.
ANYway! Another question was about the earth....something about how different it was in the beginning with water below and water inbetween. I'm glad we had been studying about how the PRE-NOAH world could've been......ONE GIANT GREENHOUSE!
Well, this was one event! Thank you for praying! My palms were sweaty, but anxious thoughts were "nipped in the bud" by praying, focusing on the Lord God, His ALMIGHTY power, MERCY to me, He who was/is more than able do what was placed before me all for HIS glory!
Because so many adults it seemed were calling in at the end I prayed that they would be responsible parents for their children....that God would help them in this important responsibility! They also asked for prayer for their sick children. (I have been noticing a lot of congestion...coughs, respiratory ailments in the kids that come for ESL)
Anyway! That was that! Thank you all for praying! I appreciated it so much and ask that you continue to pray for what's next, possibly! I want to speak what HE wants!
One of three things.......on Saturday.

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