Saturday, July 10, 2010

Pasting Better things

I was negative and so I pulled a blog. I'm sorry if you read it because I have regrets about it being posted.
I'm dealing with an upset stomach and today had lot's of children for class. I wasn't up to it and had Solange intervene. The problem is when there are new ones added to the ones who have been coming regularly during the week.... WHO do you teach to!? VIRGINIA what would you do?
I had the older ones who have been coming sit in small groups. And asked them to read quietly together while I taught to the younger ones. It didn't work as there was more interest in who was missing a pencil and who had no paper.....etc. I finally stated that if you weren't wanting to watch teacher (with the younger ones) and learn you need to go outside the gate! I can be firm when I have to. That helped for a while but I was struggling!
Some walk a long ways to get here. Some are the children of my Bible class widows. I open the gate at 7:30am and I'm DONE in by 10am. Most other days we have great fun, just not today!

I told them right away that I love to give gifts and regularly am able to pass out a prized sharpened pencil on their way out the door home or some little thing. However, on Friday an older student, brought me a gift .... An orange and it became an even better teaching tool! Having more objects in a sentence to change the verb, learning "on" and "under" on top of "my" "your" head, floor, table, lots of new vocabulary was great fun! AND when they remembered we all gave "around of applause" the way I learned from AWANA! The stickers Aunt Ruth saved up for me to give out are a valuable commodity also!!
Today besides class, I washed clothes and tried to prepare for next weeks classes. I slept most the day away however!
My new watchman is out" there" singing as I write this. It adds to the voices of the night that continue well into late hours here......well, it just gets dark rather early too...6pm sharp! I've been in bed at 7pm here thinking it was much later! The only problem then is I'm wide awake anywhere from 3 to 5am!

I'm thinking about posting pictures of my students with their names. I know some of you are praying individually for them and I so appreciate that. They do too! Thank you, it means so much to them that you would be thinking of them by name.

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