Sunday, July 18, 2010

THE Military Roadblock

Well, this is the second thing that took place on Saturday. On the way home from the radio station we encountered a roadblock put up by the military police. It was unusual in that they were pulling over all cars and there were many, many officers all searching the vehicles/people out of cars...... I asked driver, John Baptist, if this was usual. He said no. So, we (driver, Olivia and Placidia) were pulled over and asked to get out of the car. I don't know if I was supposed to .....I didn't understand the words being said! So I was just sitting in the front searching calmly through my bag with the MANY COMPARTMENTS for my ID.
They were all being questioned (I found out later what was asked....) BUT the short of this story is that I DIDN"T have ANY ID on me! I had earlier cleaned out my bag to "LIGHTEN my load" and well, I just didn't think to put that paper with the copy of my passport BACK into the "special place" for such things!!!
So, I smile opening the door, wondering if I get out too???? The man officer is smiling at me and I just open my Bible and pull out a picture of John holding Evey. He says, "Your child?" I say, "no, my grandchild, I'm a grandma, this is my husband, John." We smile and we are all back in the car and going!
Olivia scolded me!
I've learned a valuable lesson.
She told me that because I was white, they don't like to make trouble. But if it had been one of them without their ID it would not have been so good!
He interrogated them about who I was and where we had been. When he heard that we had just come from the radio UMUCYO he said to Olivia, "Missionary?" She said yes, and that was when I had opened the door, Bible in hand, showing off my "Grandma pictures."
What I learned from Olivia was that this was unusual.....she stated,"Maybe they had some information."
On our way their were police stationed at major intersections along the roadway. We had seen this before.
I didn't feel afraid at all, except afterwards I felt BAD that I had caused troubling things for OLIVIA!!
This was the second thing ........for Saturday.

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