Sunday, July 25, 2010

John Baptist

My driver John Baptist wants to be called JB now. I'm trying to remember that! I think he really liked the idea of using initials for one's name. He got the idea from TJ who was a fellow team member here in May and early June.
He also told me that his wedding has been postponed until March 2011 now. It's a matter of finances. Weddings are really a big deal here!
Oh! He also told me that if one was to hit one of the trees (during a car accident) that line the streets at the hill top, in down town Kigali, there would be a stiff fine of 500,000 F to pay! for just one tree and no insurance will cover it.....that's one hefty price! I had to ask more than one time just to make sure I heard right! His English is really improving with use!!


  1. Hi Debbie, So happy to read about your adventures and the Spirit filled journey you are on. Blessings to you, your work and all those upon whom your blessings have fallen upon. lifting you all in prayer. In His Abundant Love, Lisa Learn

  2. This is too funny. Tell "JB" hi from me!!


  3. Wow! thanks so much for responding to my "whine" about not hearing back.....Thank you! I do appreciate you writing!!!! And I will tall JB hi from you Kristi!
    Thank you so much for praying! Today we talk about the OT prophecies that point to the Deliverer!

  4. Debbie, We are enjoying reading about the wonderful work God is doing there! The kids have been praying for you too :)
    --Julie and Gordon

  5. Thank you so much! Responding to this is so helpful! I want to be better to write to "my audience too" so thank you so much for letting me know you read!
