Saturday, July 31, 2010

Radio 7-31

Tonight I had TWO wonderful translators accompany me to the radio station. Tom joined Olivia and it went very well. Thank you all for praying for us! I love these two people!
I preached! Ask me about it sometime. I'm still using the book by Good Seed people called THE LAMB mainly for the language that is simple for Olivia to translate into Rwandan! And it's simple English for those children who are at a certain level to understand most of the words.

Tom had an incident with his cell phone this week that means he now has NO phone! A child of a man he was tutoring got a hold of it and dropped it! It's broken. His attitude was so wonderful. He stated something like. .....well, it belonged to God and I just say, He is the One who got it for me so He knows what about it and ........Well, the facts are he needs a cell phone! He is taking the place of Pastor Augustine a lot and very busy. He hasn't spoken about his thesis much either. I think it is because he is lacking the funds to get the resources on finish it and then he will need to print it up too. I know Jeanne Darc copied some of it for him at the office one day. Oh, the needs are many! He volunteered his time tonight so he could be with "Mom." And check up on me saying "Are you fine Mom?" but also to make sure I called "Dad" recently! He always asks me when I talked to Dad last and if my cell phone is charged now too! He says he is looking forward to the day when he has a home in Rwanda where Dad and I can stay with him when we come back so he can take care of us properly like a son would do in Rwanda. He is 28 and no cows yet for his dowry price. I've been praying for his wife-to-be (that she is a godly woman) now for two years.
He has the goal of getting his Masters so he can get teaching jobs in the university. I think he told me awhile back that that is like $6,000!us
Olivia and Tom both have birthdays in October and have never celebrated their birthday! I think it's about time for cake!

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