Saturday, July 31, 2010

Neighborhood noises

This week-end has been very interesting.....all in the neighborhood! Right now there is a wedding "dowry" celebration taking place right across from the ERM compound. It's so interesting to listen in. They have erected two big tents in the front yard and there is much singing and drums! The women are all dressed so beautifully in their traditional Rwandan very colorful, fun, festive!
Last night the noises were the exact opposite! Around 10pm I heard the most frightful sounds of vicious dogs barking and a child screaming! OH! it was horrid! All I could do was stand at the window and pray and cry out to God PLEASE HELP!! The voice of a man was in the mix too.....but those dogs sounded so vicious, angry, scary! but with the child's voice in the mix....HORRIFIC! My thought is this child is permanently "scarred" at least emotionally from this encounter with dogs! Dogs are not looked upon with much favor here already. They are mostly used as watchers.
I'm so grateful for John Bosco, my watcher! He is a wonderful believer and very responsible! He is always sitting reading his Bible. He opens the gate for me when it's so dark and locks me in nightly. He's also still the singing watchman! We practice English and he wants me to learn French and Ikinyarwanda. I don't think there is any hope for that. I love feeding him half my dinner because he is just so grateful. He offers me peanuts and gave me a papaya. I worried over him when he had a headache and we couldn't walk. I told Jeanne Darc to tell him to listen to his drink more water! He has no mother or father, just an unmarried sister age 29 and another sister I forget the age. He met John Lewis, (that's my husband,) over skype just this morning! He was leaving when I had John on my computer screen! So John Lewis was able to tell John Bosco in person THANK YOU for "walking me" and taking care of so many things here at the house. He also replaced the lock on the back door! and jumped right in to direct traffic around a sink hole in the road on one of our walks. He doesn't seem to mind when we use him as an example of "he" for our afternoon English class either......and "shirt"/"pants," when all of us are wearing "skirts"/ "dresses."... Pray for John Bosco.

Radio 7-31

Tonight I had TWO wonderful translators accompany me to the radio station. Tom joined Olivia and it went very well. Thank you all for praying for us! I love these two people!
I preached! Ask me about it sometime. I'm still using the book by Good Seed people called THE LAMB mainly for the language that is simple for Olivia to translate into Rwandan! And it's simple English for those children who are at a certain level to understand most of the words.

Tom had an incident with his cell phone this week that means he now has NO phone! A child of a man he was tutoring got a hold of it and dropped it! It's broken. His attitude was so wonderful. He stated something like. .....well, it belonged to God and I just say, He is the One who got it for me so He knows what about it and ........Well, the facts are he needs a cell phone! He is taking the place of Pastor Augustine a lot and very busy. He hasn't spoken about his thesis much either. I think it is because he is lacking the funds to get the resources on finish it and then he will need to print it up too. I know Jeanne Darc copied some of it for him at the office one day. Oh, the needs are many! He volunteered his time tonight so he could be with "Mom." And check up on me saying "Are you fine Mom?" but also to make sure I called "Dad" recently! He always asks me when I talked to Dad last and if my cell phone is charged now too! He says he is looking forward to the day when he has a home in Rwanda where Dad and I can stay with him when we come back so he can take care of us properly like a son would do in Rwanda. He is 28 and no cows yet for his dowry price. I've been praying for his wife-to-be (that she is a godly woman) now for two years.
He has the goal of getting his Masters so he can get teaching jobs in the university. I think he told me awhile back that that is like $6,000!us
Olivia and Tom both have birthdays in October and have never celebrated their birthday! I think it's about time for cake!


I woke up last night thinking about how Satan rebelled against God and thought about the "childrens' rebellion" yesterday. I won't be using it as an example tonight (at least not planning on using it at the moment....) but I thought about the connection! That rebel, liar, murderer, who those in Christ Jesus have for an ENEMY! But many are still in his family of despair headed for eternal separation from God!
Tonight I have a wonderful opportunity to share with the children how important to understand about their sin, their need for a Savior the Lord Jesus Christ....the perfect Lamb of God. AND leave the enemies camp to be a son or daughter of the Most High God....Their Creator! Please pray about this!!
How often I want MY WAY too! and think I know better than God! Oh, how it just comes so naturally to SIN!
I noticed the two "ring leaders" were put to work in the kitchen washing dishes, after they swept the floor today! Hum! Not sure if this was the out-come of the "supplementation" (long good talking to) Olivia gave yesterday or their idea for penitence..... smiling.....but things were very much back to normal today!
I will be missing these early morning times. I made recordings today of the kids reading and singing! I told them I will be listening to them at home and I will have such good memories of our times together.
Thank you again for praying about all these things.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Something I just have to share!!

Today was the deadline to find out which of the students are really interested in raising rabbits.....
I have three made already for the bunnies and the money for 10 more has been given by my church for the cage/condos. Just guess how many of students wanted them? thirteen!! I had assumed all would want it but there are some who live in situations where they just can't have them. One lives in a rented small room, another a house with no secure place (they would be stolen...cage and all as the yard is not fenced), among other reasons.....

I had started to agonize over this "project" but now I understand! The other students will be getting a different graduation gift. One is Ernest (he wants to be a pastor) and I already know what I'm getting him! A study Bible like the one I have. He has poured over mine and I've been agonizing over the thought that maybe I should just leave mine here with him. But, I think unless, I get instructions from God, he needs a new, unmarked one to "make him own." I heard just today that there will be a group coming here in September too! What wonderful news as I will be able to get it here sooner than November when another group was coming! Praise the Lord for how He in His Sovereign will is leading things! I'm so very grateful for His direction! I do need prayer, wisdom about the other students' gifts however......
I also found out today that this graduation celebration will be "An Event" with media too.

How grateful I am to the Lord for this summer in Rwanda! It has really been such a marvelous blessing in so many ways......sob-crying.......God is so good!! Never would I have thought His ways for me would include Africa! But it did/does and I have learned so very much, been so very blessed.......ah what joy in serving Jesus! Thank you to all who got me here! I'm so very grateful for your part in all this!!! I wish you God's blessing this day!!!

Blog pasting

Blog to paste Friday July 30

Yesterday we celebrated Christmas in July!!! We even had Christmas carols! I asked if they could sing some of their Christmas songs for me and I found myself singing with them in English to the very same songs! OH !! So very wonderful ! We are so grateful to the Creator God of Heaven who came down to earth to make the way for our redemption! And show us how to live following God the Son, not a son of Adam follower of Satan, His enemy! We have finally made it to The Reason to celebrate ….. Jesus, the Deliverer has come!

We got water in the night hours! This is a huge blessing! So John Bosco was up at dawn busily filling our containers. He must have heard what I heard…..the neighbors doing the same thing about 3am. So we have water and I even got a pot of boiled water to fill the “drinking water jug” that I have been using to give people water with. I’ve had to be a good steward of “my water” which is the bottled stuff in sealed lids from the store. It didn’t dawn on my that I could keep a “source” for others by just keeping boiled water going!! (I know I’m slow to be a Rwandan “real” woman!) So this am I was able to boil a pot for the three minutes JUST BEFORE the electricity went out ! The timing of this was a huge blessing from the Lord God Almighty who is in charge of Rwandan infrastructure! The reason is John Bosco, my walker, needed water to drink from last night….I fear kidney problems as his side was bothering him! Also, Olivia NEEDS water to keep talking!!! All the ladies and young people walk at least part of the way to get here in the African heat of mid day……ah! It’s on…electricity!

Friday Morning Kids

Something happened that was different this morining for English class with the kids. I didn't open the gate until 8am and made some of them mad at me. So when I opened the gate to greet them there was a group who had decided to not come in but continue to play with a "ball" outside the gate. I started in with those who came in right away and tried not to notice the other group when they decided to come on in.....but it was obvious that they had "conspired together" to make sure I knew they were upset. They decided to "not participate!" to "get back" at me for not opening the gate early! When I saw what was happening I asked if they were mad at me. Yes, (and their faces showed it too!) Well, I told them that they were told we start at 8am and I was doing washing (as we had water this am.) I had heard them banging at the gate even with my music IPod thing playing music in my ears!
I told them as best as I could communicate with them in limited English that they had to make a choice in their hearts to either hold on to a grudge or let it go, but it was sin to do what they were doing!
After our 2 hours was over I asked Olivia to come in and help me talk to them again. I asked if it was true what I thought happened. Yes, they were mad at me and wanted to make me pay for it! So, we talked it out....... I'm partly at fault here! I have opened the gate at 6:45am before!
The mother of one of the kids came today to learn a bit later too and a whole new group of older boys. John Bosco has been advertising the classes while he walks me along with passing out "Steps to Peace with God" People are very interested in reading English.......we also give them a tract that is written in Ikinyarwandan too. I had many, many ask about starting more English classes!

A disappointment

Today was the day I wanted to show the ladies here how to use the "things" that were in the bin from Arlene. There are these Swedish metal things that are coated with batter, fried and then dipped in sugar and WALAH! an intricate cookie! Well, the recipe I made up didn't work! So we are back to the "drawing board" Does anyone have a recipe for this and do you know what I'm taking about......? I had wanted Solange to learn how to do this so she could stay home with a baby and make these on the side...hummmm?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Work of Art

I wish you could see this, touch it even! The pods on it were so interesting! And there were SO MANY!
I am thinking that if it had not been picked, it would continue to bloom even long after I am back home the end of August! God truly is a Master of Creativity and beauty!

children are on holidays now

The kids have a school break starting this week here in Rwanda. I was wondering how it would effect morning English classes. On Monday I had a record number come.....37!
Also that evening on our walk John Bosco was a walking advertisement for them also. So, I was relieved on Tuesday to just have around 25! And most all were the "faithful" ones who had been coming regularly. School here meets on a very interesting schedule. I had the group who had classes in the afternoons. This means on Mon.Wed. Fri. mornings I have the students who go to school in the afternoon on those days. On Tuesday and Thursday morning, I had different students as those days were their day for afternoon school. So now this week I'm getting all of them....or at least both groups together as they have no school for the next month, if I heard correctly!
Today was a smaller group. I had around 1o and all were interested in what was happening!!
This picture is of the neighbors. They picked the flower so we could get a good look at it. It was an amazing thing of beauty! It actually had pod-sort of things for the blossoms! Really it was a WORK OF ART! I hope to post a picture of it next.

Passion fruit

This is Saundra. She is holding an obscure little, really.... an ugly-looking fruit! But it is sure good! I told everyone here about how we don't have it in Oregon except at "specialty markets" like in Portland, for an exorbitant cost! They know John likes them too, hence the picture for you, Honey.

The things we take for granted

WATER! that's something that I take for granted at home to be sure! I turn on the tap and there it is.....clean, ready to use!
Last night I discovered there is a city-wide water shortage. That means John Bosco could not fill the container that we dip our water from. There is a "source" of city water out back. So, the way we have been doing it has been for him to patiently fill a jug (it comes out by a trickle) and then he hauls it into my bathroom and into the other bathroom where there are large tubs. From these tubs we dip the water for everything from "flushing" toilet to "showers" which are a tub of warmed up water in a basin that I use in the bathtub to wash my hair, clothes also.
Mine is low and the week-end is coming. So, living by faith takes on new meaning for me today as I had hoped to wash some clothes, my hair, etc.
Yesterday, however some of the students were also in real need! Ernest asked for a drink. I had a jug of boiled water that I've been using for others here at the house who wanted water.
The cost to buy water to haul in is 1,000 F. for a jug! This is why we see little kids carrying jugs long distances for their families. Ernest comes here. No time to carry water from far away sources. I wonder about Placidia too as she takes care of a household as maid. They give her a place to live, she does the work.......what did she do today for water, I wonder? And Clementine who has been missing from class this week.....we don't know why a fellow student is going to try to find out about her for us. She was a very committed student so it must be something BIG we are all thinking.
Ah! when you get a drink today remember to thank God for the infrastructure that made getting that water to you clean and available! I have boxes of bottled water in my room. I'm grateful for water today. I'm also drinking Rwandan tea with milk. It's so good that it has replaced my morning cup of coffee!
I'm so grateful for electricity and internet also! I was able to talk to John this morning too!! That's a blessing, the day before yesterday it wouldn't work!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Walking Around 2

Here are two of my older English class students. I'm not sure if it's Solange's,( the girl on the right,) house or not. They were in the neighborhood! Solange was one of my biggest helpers with the littlest kids. She would interpret for me! I could tell she was very poor and so I gave her some of the clothes Vickie sent. She cried when she got the sack.....and told me something that I just didn't understand....She is doing very well with the "reader" that presents Jesus our Savior! She is also learning the attributes of God....singing them! Pray for Solange! She had no shoes! I'm hoping she can make a trade.......

more pictures of the cake

HERE'S PROOF! Cake can be steamed baked!
Olivia is happily thinking about presenting to her 6 year old and 2 year old a special surprise today!
She is going to "frost it" at home because she rides the motor bike to get will be easier to get it there that way!
She will be excited tomorrow when I tell her that Arlene's cake decorating supplies are for ERM to use!!! She has asked for a cake decorating class before I leave. How fun! I'm going to "steam" another cake for the graduation party on August 20 also. This was the "trial run" for us!

Happy Birthday Cake Rwandian style

This is a picture of our "cake baking" in a double boiler pan! It worked and Olivia's two boys who share the same birthday had a cake to celebrate today!
Now, Olivia wants to be a cake maker!
Thanks to Arlene Tatum who brought over cake decorating supplies and things this means we are going to have a "cake class" soon before I go home.
The frosting was a package of instant chocolate pudding that was shook up in a margerine container. We are going to the store to look for powdered sugar for "real" cakes. With all the weddings going on in this could work as someone's business......Thanks Arlene for the bin of supplies!!!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Translations of the Bible are important!

How interesting it was yesterday to discover that the verses in the Ikinyrwandan translated Bible were not the same as the NIV translation in English! AND it was a bit disconcerting how the phrasing differences changed the meaning for some verses. I think Wycliffe needs to do a Ikinyrwandan version! SOON!
We had trouble in class today going over the many prophecies that related to the coming Deliverer (GOD HIMSELF! in the PERSON OF JESUS.) So many of the verses were off by one verse.....especially the ones in the Prophets. Interesting! So the chart we made that had the verse, the prophetic detail about THE DELIVERER, and where in the NT it is fulfilled had to be re-written! Weird!
It was a bit hard also because of how the writer WHO WAS writing what GOD SAID, 1000 to 700 years BEFORE the FACT was also writing about the events of the day or the not too distant day also. So, yesterday was good! It was so encouraging to see these students pouring over the Word and marking the verse, writing an explanation......INVOLVED! in learning
got to go...students are here.

RED dirt

This picture is of the red roadway that takes me to my home. They are working on getting it in shape to be paved this dry season. I just wish you could see the red tint to the road. I tried to capture it in the's actually very beautiful for being dirt!
I'm so glad to be out "being walked" these days as it gives me an opportunity to see where the children that come for class in the morning live....I've met quite a few along the roads that John Bosco takes me on. Tonight we took the tracts that explain the gospel in Ikinyarwandan. So many are eager to speak with a muzungo. I think it's helping John Bosco to be an evangelist also! He has been inviting more children to classes (not sure if I'm too happy about that! as I had 37 this morning already.) He does the explaining on how to listen to the children's Bible teaching on Saturday nights over the radio. I love these walks!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

John Baptist

My driver John Baptist wants to be called JB now. I'm trying to remember that! I think he really liked the idea of using initials for one's name. He got the idea from TJ who was a fellow team member here in May and early June.
He also told me that his wedding has been postponed until March 2011 now. It's a matter of finances. Weddings are really a big deal here!
Oh! He also told me that if one was to hit one of the trees (during a car accident) that line the streets at the hill top, in down town Kigali, there would be a stiff fine of 500,000 F to pay! for just one tree and no insurance will cover it.....that's one hefty price! I had to ask more than one time just to make sure I heard right! His English is really improving with use!!

I've been talking a lot!

I just noticed the number of times I've been blogging! 123 entries! That's a lot of talking! With the exception of my cousin Dave and his wife in PA I wonder who else is reading this!? Do you have any questions, comments, concerns!? I wish some of you who read this would write.
I just received word that I have 13 rabbit cages/condos paid for! This is a blessing!! Thank you so much!
Tomorrow in Bible class we will be covering a lot of the OT prophecies concerning the coming Deliverer! It's so exciting!! I am so looking forward to this......can hardly wait!!
On my evening stroll tonight I took some pictures of the flora here along the roadways, plus a picture of the red dirt road. It really is a beautiful colored dust! There are piles of building materials too that I could just imagine a "rock hound" like my father was, wanting to go through....very interesting rocks with crystals, shiny minerals in bedded in them too.
John Bosco is a walking advertisement for radio Umucyo. He tells all the children we meet up with and shake hands with to listen on Saturday at 6pm.
Hope you all have a wonderful week! Thank you for praying for me!

some of the saturday students

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sunday, July 25

I really enjoy this time for reflection on Sundays. John Bosco (the watching man and now also my walking man) leaves early, Solange or "cooker" are not here....I requested them to BE WITH THEIR FAMILIES! IT's important especially when they are here during the week for such long hours! Anyway, while I'm awaiting my ride to church there is time to do this, study and "reflect."
I'm still trying to "capture" the birds on tape....the ones that are the loudest.....the ones that always make me "stop what I'm doing" because they are that loud AND very, distinctly African!
It's cloudy today and cool. By cool, I mean I'm not perspiring by just sitting here typing. It's been like this this week mostly. I've noticed the children come to morning class with sweaters, even coats on! I'm comfortable! It really is a bonus blessing too! I had "heard" that "dry season" is HOT. I think it's HOT at home! (Especially since my husband plus others! THANK YOU SO MUCH! have been up on the roof, re-roofing our house while I'm here.)
Another blessing....since the first days of my move here to the office at ERM from Mousecore, the electricity has been very stable! What a blessing that is!!!! I can think of only a few times when it has been off and that only in the middle of the night!
Another blessing is John Bosco! He is very vigilant as a "watcher." sometimes he and I go over the English lessons I've been giving. He listens when the groups are here too sometimes. He continues to sing! He sees when I come in late and unlocks doors, then locks doors! He also carries the heavy water so Solange who is now in her 8th month pregnancy doesn't have to! He's a blessing!!
Tom is also a blessing! He came for a visit on Wednesday and is now officially making sure I keep my phone charged and making sure "Dad" (John) is informed of "how I am" every few days. He also was translator on Sat. for the radio. His goal is to go to get his masters so he can teach in the universities. He will then be "established." He finds it very disconcerting that there are no evangelists who preach on the street corners in America. While Pastor Augustine has been occupied with funeral arrangements and things with the death of a younger brother, Tom has taken on the duties at his church. The dissertation.....not sure how that is going.....
I know Jeanne DArc made some copies of his writing for him one day here at the office.
She is also a blessing! What an encouragement she has been to me with her "pep talks." She tells me "things" that others say on what they are learning and how I am with them. it has helped me want to preserver, especially with the morning children when it seems a bit too chaotic at times! She fasts and prays for me, the students, the Bible class dynamics with translation and all. How wonderful to have had this wonderful time to get to know her better! She is also my most "advanced" student with English. We discuss correct usage of verb forms, among other things most daily! She wants and welcomes me to "correct" her. I'm only careful to do it when it's just the two of us although she says she wants me to do it at other times also.
With Olivia, we can carry on lengthy discussions over lunch!
That brings me to Olivia! What a blessing she has been! I know talking, translating is hard work! She has a difficult job! She has 4 little boys at home too! On Friday we weren't able to get TEST 4 done as the computer wasn't working. But she has the job of translating the test and them correcting them for me too......over the week-ends! Pray for her!
I'll close for now.....but I know there's way more blessings I should be recording today!! God is so good to me! He brings GREAT JOY to life and living it!!! How great is our God!!!! May the God of hope fill you with all joy and His peace as you trust in you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

More pictures

We talked about heaven a lot and what it's like. So at the end when Gasbar asked for young callers to call in, one called and asked how they can go there! I had time to quote John 3:16 before it was time to cut off. There was time to pray for her but not sure I was able to share with her understanding our sin problem means we need His righteousness to be able to go there! What a gift to receive Jesus' righteousness as payment for our sin that separates us from a Holy, Perfect God. Pray for this opportunity to continue teaching over the "air waves!" I long to do a good job of it.....laying a foundation to show the need for His gift....His righteousness!
Next week we are talking about how sin began with the enemy of God, Satan willfully wanting more than "being the most beautiful angel!" Now that's a good definition of REBEL.
I'm so grateful to the Lord for His direction to talk about our Triune God already .....remember at creation God says....LET US....then when I talk about God Himself in the Person of Jesus Christ, coming to take care of our sin separating us from Him......HE Himself will DELIVER! OH WHAT LOVE this is!!!!
God is Triune (sung to the tune of Are you sleeping, are you sleeping, brother know that French tune......) God is Triune, God is Triune, Father, Son, Holy Spirit (x2.) We'll be
singing this next week along with God is Holy, sinless, pure!
I so appreciate your praying about all this. It really is out of my "comfort zone!" But I know God is all powerful! When the end questions come up and I have to think on my feet (well, you know what I mean!) pray for calm, clear thinking and just the right words to say! Oh, God has been showing Himself to be FAITHFUL, Unchanging, ALMIGHTY! Praise Him! This is such a neat opportunity! For His glory!

Radio 7-25

On the radio last night I just continued going through the book THE LAMB chapter two. We continued to talk about God and how He loves us so much as evidenced by His creation. Also we touched on His Holiness. Tom interpreted for me as Olivia was at the hospital with her sister-in-law who was about to deliver a baby. Tom has been "up there" at the station many, many times in the past just recently with Tamara and Pastor Mike. Several years ago Joshua was there with him too.
John Baptist picked us up and even went to the supermarket with us. He goes beyond the duty of "driver" and count him as a wonderful friend. He is making plans to be married in November! Pray for this young man! I've been seeing what Rwandan weddings entail! A lot of expense! besides the cow dowry price!

Little Singers

The students

Here we are taking a break on the lawn outside the office. It's a two hour class and around 3:15 we need a break!

Friday, July 23, 2010

THE Case......cirriculum

This is the curriculum "bag" of pictures that will be staying here for the teachers to use in their classes. When we are done, I really believe God will use these teachers in their Sunday classes, at home and maybe even a future pastor to teach the same Old Testament Bible lessons but with a "looking forward" different perspective. Lord willing, it will be one that is pointing to The Deliverer to come, our need for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ! Could you be praying about this also.....Also that they can get the curriculum in Ikinyarwanda soon! Thank you so much! God's Word, I'm so grateful to the Lord for His revealing Himself to us through it! How wonderful to serve a "knowable God!"

Thursday, July 22, 2010

No children this morning

It's like a teacher in-service day today. Children are to report to school this am for their "grades" so I had no students for class!
Instead I plan to wash clothes. But before I do that I wanted to ask you to be praying for me tomorrow. We are proceeding like I'm to be on the radio even though the final word wasn't given yet.
I wanted you to be praying about the opportunity to talk to the parents of kids.......a woman had called in last week for prayer. She believed she had been cursed and was holding the baby for three years in her womb! I don't think this is possible without the "dead" baby causing the mother to get very sick! ( I could be wrong) I was thinking it must be like a tumor, cancer or something. Anyway all this spurred a conversation about superstitions! Satan does have power but I don't want to give him anymore than he should have! Curses that keep a baby in the womb for three years are not in his power! The fear that he causes in the hearts of women is what he loves! God, the GIVER of life is over all. I truly believe that He would intervene. Next we talked of how and I quote, pregnant women are "followed around" and others "practice their witchcraft on them to keep the baby from being born." My thought, the delayed baby is thought of as cursed! .... how sad! ......and this is not a cursed baby just one comfy in the womb, not anxious to leave! I hate to think of the little ones who are born with their parents thinking they are cursed!! (where it is true that we are all born sinners.....I'm not talking about this!)
The conversation about superstitions continued..... When a little one is born with a deformity, (perhaps the result of drug use by mother or father).....seeing that baby as cursed can't be good! He/she will grow up hated and this is not right! God gives life and there is great value there! We were made in the image of God! This means that we have value/worth! Deformity or not, God is the Giver of Life! and especially the family of God, true believers need to know that it's not a's a baby that needs the love and care of loving people! The same is for what the people here are quick to call a "bastard." The sin of the fathers is being visited on the children BIG TIME here! HOW SAD!
Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world.....they are special in His sight.....Let the little children come to ME! He values them.....they can come to know Him, His great love at an early age......Let's value what HE VALUES!!!!!!! (people...children and His Word these two things are all that will be worth our time for eternity! Do you believe this?)

I just talked to Gasbar and I'm to be on the radio every Saturday until I leave for home. Please pray for this opportunity to speak up for children, women.

Right now, I feel a bit upset about the men of Rwanda, remembering several conversations I 've had over this week......I know there are godly ones here.....but the ones who aren't godly....yet claim to be believers.....who are immoral, well, how can God bless YOUR homes......He can't and be true to His word.

Walking Around

Last night before she left, Olivia gave orders to John Bosco to "walk me!" So we took a stroll about the neighborhood. It was very enjoyable! Several times I heard "Debbie" as children would recognize 'teacher.' I also heard lots of other things too! It's unusual to see a white woman out in the neighborhood! They stick closer to the Simba downtown Kigali! The roads in this neighborhood are really a beautiful reddish color. I'm going to try to make it a habit! John Bosco seemed happy to walk the muzungo!

Children are reading!

I was such an encouragement to hear the children reading in the "goodseed" booklets that our group brought over. These booklets are written in EASY ENGLISH and are just wonderful for building vocabulary all in the context of the Word of God. Today we were able to read the first few pages with good comprehension! It is so encouraging!!! They are also learning the character/attributes of God set to the tune of "Are you sleeping, Are you sleeping, Brother John...." Do you know the song I mean? It's french origin! so the tune is known here too! COOL! Today we sang God is Triune, Father, Son, Holy Spirit...among others.
It must be another holiday here as they were not anxious to leave for school.
I am learning a bit of Ikinyarwanda! Many a song that seems to stick better in my brain. It's a song that asks questions and the answer is always the same.....Immana niki yemwe! (God is love) the song goes sort of like this.....The birds go singing that......Immana niki yemwe!
A river named Rukundo reminds us.........Immana niki yemwe !
I will never forget the moment when Olivia broke out in song with it after the lesson one day! I had to have them re-do so I could tape it and take it home with me! And then when I found out what some of the words meant.....well, that was what was the motivation to work at learning it...The birds here DO REMIND me of His great love! Their music is just sweet! AND predictable!!!! Dusk and dawn.......well, even in the middle of the day I hear them now too. We usually have to pause to listen.....and remember! (Just think about it! Why do birds sing anyway.....They DO show us what a loving God we have!! He also could've made all flowers black and white and food taste like dirt! (thanks to the GoodSeed publishers.....)
I just want to thank everyone for praying for us! These lessons have been hard in that we are drilling the fact that we are sinners, totally depraved, with nothing to offer a perfect, Holy God.
Today we talk about the story of Moses lifting up the pole for the people to "Look and Live!"
Olivia is typing up our test questions that she has translated for the students test tomorrow.
We are on Lesson 40. I know I must sound like a broken record, but I'm so grateful for this study from the people at NEW TRIBES MISSION. Also the Good Seed people at I think every class could benefit from the study materials. It has been a blessing to see how the book Stranger on the Road to Emmaus has supplemented and helped with illustrations for further explanation especially to Ernest who wishes to be a pastor. He comes early to ask questions. It is a wonderful thing to see how the young people who come ....really want to learn. All of the students are doing very well on their exams too!
Thank you once again for praying for us! I know of God's gracious help DAILY!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So far today.....I skyped my family! I listened to the birds outside singing.....they do remind me..God Loves Me (you too!) Next, because we continue to have electricity I will walk out to the kitchen....dip water from the barrel to put in the hot pot.....boil it and make RWANDAN COFFEE!
This I will drink with's like a tortilla sort of and pineapple....maybe an egg (there are two boiled ones waiting in the fridge.)
While I'm doing this the children will be at the gate.....BANGing!! yesterday I had 30 in all all wanting to learn ENGLISH. I don't hear them when I'm sitting in the Kitchen so I'm not getting "irritated" in my heart about the banging, which is good because I really long to share the love of Jesus with them....not just ENGLISH! We sing ABCDEFG, Jesus died for you and me, HIJKLMN, Jesus died for sinful men, AMEN!, OPQRSTU, I believe God's Word is true!, UVW, God has promised you!, XYZ, a home eternally!
We are continuing with Virginia's lessons "Learn of Me" series. Plus vocab review by pointing to various objects and having them name it or point to body parts, things in the room.
This lasts until 9:30 or 10am. I escort them out the gate. Yesterday I walked home with some as my back was hurting from NOT EXERCISING! I may do that again today was enjoyable!
I usually study the afternoon Bible lesson, have prayer time until lunch is ready. Solange cooks out in the back shed on the charcoal pit delicous meals and Olivia with Jeanne DArc sit to eat. it's usually time for class then....2, some students come early.....1 maybe and rest in the living room. It's a good informal time to practice Ikinyarwanda.....and laugh!
Bible class lasts until 4 or 4:something. I then start another ESL with adult students (the class members who wish to stay plus others.....our watchman, a mother of one of the children I have in the morning has joined us, also every other day I have a different group. .... the advanced students...(Jeanne DArc one of them) come. These adult classes last from around 4:30-5:30, or whenever we are all too tired!
Solange has usually cooked my dinner and it's awaiting in a bowl in the kitchen. So when everyone has left for the day except John Bosco, the watcher, I relax in my room listening to my Ipod-like thing and eat.
Yesterday I enjoyed a visit from Tom. He had called Jeanne DArc to set up the phone was dead....(same problem I have in the US! sorry!!!)
We visited until 8Pm. I so appreciate this young man! He really is growing in his walk with the Lord Jesus! We have lively discussions and he tells me his latest "life events" and dreams!
After he left he called John to let him know I'm ok! I told him he should save his phone minutes as I just talked to him and will talk to him tomorrow...but he still called "Dad"
His father died when he was two.
Well, this is a more factual presentation of my the request of my dear husband.....Love you John and miss got cut off short this am but, just think of it! I SAW my family this am!! It's a modern techno miracle......what an encouragement SKYPE is!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Community Radio UMUCYO

Olivia, Gasbar, Placidia at the radio station on Saturday. Olivia translated, Placidia read the longer verses in her Rwandan Bible.
We may be doing it again. I don't know for sure, just now. Gasbar will be contacting Jeanne DArc about it.

litle English speakers

Something Wonderful

Today something wonderful was amazing to watch, hear.....although I didn't understand the words! I knew the Spirit of God was at work in hearts, including my own! We were finishing up the lessons on the Ten Commandments, lesson 36 in the Chronological Study. The teacher notes stressed the importance of clearly teaching what God requires so that the students will realize that they are sinners and that they cannot please God by anything that they do....Romans 3:20 the law is the knowledge of sin.....
The notes were so helpful! They stressed to not be in a hurry to get through them, because God by His Spirit, would need to show them all are unable to live up to His standard of perfection and holiness...hence our need for a SAVIOR... The DELIVERER. It hasn't been easy listening over and over to the fact of our utter sinfulness and what we deserve....What sin's payment demands.....death, separation from a Holy, Perfect God and eternally so in the great distress of Hell. Well, it's hard to hear, day after day just how bad we are!
Today at the end of the lesson there was about 10 minutes to spare. I asked does anyone have anything they would like to say. One dear lady spoke up to say what could they say....she has been murdering people in her mind many times this very week! That comment led into a prayer time where people were weeping and pleading and well, I knew God was doing something way beyond what I had hoped to accomplish with this lesson when I was preparing and praying about it. Praise God, I'm crying as I write this thinking about these dear people.......the notes also say to not talk much about the DELIVERER......I'm just not able to keep silent about Jesus! Today I just had to say "Do you see why we need Jesus' righteousness?" Also, they are learning the song....What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Skype is SWEET!

I can hear my son say that..."Sweet!" That's what I think about skype! I was able to "talk and see" this am with John and Rachel. It was so wonderful but I kept them up late!!
Western Union is pretty sweet too! Thanks Honey!
Today at church as we were singing 'Our God is an awesome God' a mighty wind blew through the place! Dust was everywhere!!! In the choir members eyes, on the pastor's notes and in Bibles! It was right during the song....appropriate!!
The man from the US Embassy was the interpreter of the sermon today. Before the service I visited with him a bit and told him about the lesson I learned with carrying ID. He just laughed. He speaks very good English and gave me his email and two phone numbers. I feel like I know "people" in high places just now. But the sermon today was about how not to put much "stock" into the "rank" of a person.....that doesn't mean much to God. The message was about Nicodemus a high ranking official ...a Pharisee and Jesus confronted him about his need to be saved.
It's not WHO you know, it's WHOSE you are! Trusting in Him, His righteousness, for your right standing with God.
I'm giving the order for two more rabbit condo/ cages this week. That's four! I decided if I get the rabbits right away than I'm to be responsible for them.....and I don't want that responsibility! I'm having trouble just keeping up with the lessons and living!
I'm wondering if others may feel like that too........just not sure.......But I truly think I'm alone....a muzungo thinker about it......please be praying about this. Well, I might change my mind. It's just I'm tired right now.

Great View

Bird's eye view of a street in Kigali.

Rwandian Women

This was an unusual day in that my helper, Solange had a "choir outing" today. From what I understand it's sort of like a field trip for choir members! She had told me, through Olivia, that it was coming up and she was looking forward to going! So, it was arranged that Olivia would be with me here at the house on Saturday.
Olivia was cooking all morning....peeling, washing the dishes, all sorts of things that belong to the category of "what it means to be a Rwandan Woman!" This even included the helper, Placidia,who was kept busy also....she went to the market for one thing, maybe two things, twice....and helped with the water situation....John Bosco filled the water container earlier. She helped boil the water for the dishes that were washed in bins out on the lawn out back.
I was inside doing my laundry. I boiled water jug by jug, would add cold water to that and hand wash my week's worth in the sink in my bathroom, dump the water in the toilet and accomplish that chore too!
We had a wonderful lunch together.
The afternoon we co-ordinated our evening radio broadcast by figuring out which verses would be translated straight from the English and which ones should be read in Ikinyarwandian.
The time spent with these two ladies was helpful in giving me a more complete picture of life for women....christian women! I learned that there are families in the churches that are struggling, silently, with infidelity by their husbands......people who go to church regularly, even are given the name"pastor" "evangelist" who are adulterers! I was sickened by how prevalent! Pray for those who bear this burden silently.
It makes me want to preach! What about the scriptures that say a overseer should be a ONE WOMAN MAN! With sin so can one expect blessing!!!
If these things are known then they need to be addressed and measures during" counseling" to protect both...two only when counseling women....Ladies counsel ladies.....for both avoid any opportunity (and the appearances of evil too!!!)
Pastor MIKE!!!! When was it you were coming over here with Marriage and Family Life teaching? TOMORROW?
After teaching about God's plan for marriage, ONE woman One leave and cleave....and how Satan messed with that model just right away with Cain's line......Lamech's poem/song to his TWO wives......including boasting of murdering.....well, this all is just got me all fired up!!! But there needs to be a man preaching it and soon! Rick Warren was here this week. He didn't address this, I'm thinking. I could be wrong. I wish he, anyone, would and soon!
What tragedy.....what heartache for those women who bear the pain of it the churches what family troubles on top of the extremes of poverty, it's not a pretty picture, especially with aids an issue also.
And I'm headed for church in an hour. I'm not going to think about this anymore....just pray!
God's Spirit of truth in the inward parts of ones heart.....I need Him there working, daily!
I'm so grateful for the godly men in leadership here with ERM. Praise God for this!!!!!
Pray for more godly men to step up here especially in leadership!

THE Military Roadblock

Well, this is the second thing that took place on Saturday. On the way home from the radio station we encountered a roadblock put up by the military police. It was unusual in that they were pulling over all cars and there were many, many officers all searching the vehicles/people out of cars...... I asked driver, John Baptist, if this was usual. He said no. So, we (driver, Olivia and Placidia) were pulled over and asked to get out of the car. I don't know if I was supposed to .....I didn't understand the words being said! So I was just sitting in the front searching calmly through my bag with the MANY COMPARTMENTS for my ID.
They were all being questioned (I found out later what was asked....) BUT the short of this story is that I DIDN"T have ANY ID on me! I had earlier cleaned out my bag to "LIGHTEN my load" and well, I just didn't think to put that paper with the copy of my passport BACK into the "special place" for such things!!!
So, I smile opening the door, wondering if I get out too???? The man officer is smiling at me and I just open my Bible and pull out a picture of John holding Evey. He says, "Your child?" I say, "no, my grandchild, I'm a grandma, this is my husband, John." We smile and we are all back in the car and going!
Olivia scolded me!
I've learned a valuable lesson.
She told me that because I was white, they don't like to make trouble. But if it had been one of them without their ID it would not have been so good!
He interrogated them about who I was and where we had been. When he heard that we had just come from the radio UMUCYO he said to Olivia, "Missionary?" She said yes, and that was when I had opened the door, Bible in hand, showing off my "Grandma pictures."
What I learned from Olivia was that this was unusual.....she stated,"Maybe they had some information."
On our way their were police stationed at major intersections along the roadway. We had seen this before.
I didn't feel afraid at all, except afterwards I felt BAD that I had caused troubling things for OLIVIA!!
This was the second thing ........for Saturday.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Community Radio UMUCYO

Saturday was a very eventful day in at least three ways. The opportunity to teach Bible on the radio was the high lite! But I must give credit where credit is due! I read from a book called THE LAMB which is by the Good SEED folks. It helped me with simple translatable language directed toward the children as it was a children's program format. The first chapter of the book presents many many scriptures and we read them all over the airwaves! I had Olivia translate some just from the English....but others that were longer we had a dear young woman named Placidai read out of the IKinyarwandian Bible. In the words of Tom, I supplemented the material with the things we have been teaching in the chronological Bible study also. I think it went well as we were asked if we wanted to come back. So I think we may have the opportunity to do Lesson 2 next week!
I told Gasbar the program director for the children that I had 10 lessons but would soon be leaving. He looked at Olivia and we both said "YES!" So, she maybe continuing after I'm long gone! Praise God!!
The program was one hour long and at the end (about 6:45pm) we had a time for callers to call in with questions. Most of the callers were adults and Gasbar had to ask them to let their children speak to ask questions. Many dropped calls, people with comments, Tom even called in to say he and whose with him were listening and others. It didn't go very well as I for one don't think fast on my feet (well, I was sitting down! but you know me) One man asked where was God before the creation of the world. I think I just said He was here, there, everywhere......He Was! The Bible starts out with that fact well placed. In the beginning God created.......He was eternally just there!!! Accept this by faith, just like you must accept His righteous! BY FAITH.
ANYway! Another question was about the earth....something about how different it was in the beginning with water below and water inbetween. I'm glad we had been studying about how the PRE-NOAH world could've been......ONE GIANT GREENHOUSE!
Well, this was one event! Thank you for praying! My palms were sweaty, but anxious thoughts were "nipped in the bud" by praying, focusing on the Lord God, His ALMIGHTY power, MERCY to me, He who was/is more than able do what was placed before me all for HIS glory!
Because so many adults it seemed were calling in at the end I prayed that they would be responsible parents for their children....that God would help them in this important responsibility! They also asked for prayer for their sick children. (I have been noticing a lot of congestion...coughs, respiratory ailments in the kids that come for ESL)
Anyway! That was that! Thank you all for praying! I appreciated it so much and ask that you continue to pray for what's next, possibly! I want to speak what HE wants!
One of three things.......on Saturday.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Evening

I've been posting a lot this grateful for electricity, internet, water, ah!

Pastor Augustine just called. His younger brother died this week and so he is in the Eastern Province. Please be praying for the family.
Tom had talked to me on Wed. He has been taking over duties at the church in the pastors absence.
I expect a large group of children tomorrow morning bright and early! Tomorrow I'm going to talk about gifts. Gifts versus young man named Christian likes to bring me orange, a mango, today an orange. But it wasn't really a "gift" as today I found out he expected something from me in return. So tomorrow I will talk about "trading" I suppose.....I gave him back his orange today.....he wanted a "gift" in return.
Tomorrow evening I'll be speaking on the radio. Gasbar, the director of children's broadcasting has been a student....learning English. He asked I said I would be honored......I'm getting "sweaty palmed" but am praying that God will direct....please be praying too! I'm thinking of just using the book...THE LAMB.....It's a wonderful presentation of the gospel. I'm just not sure how long it will take, if I only do part of it be continued sort of thing or what.....?!
It's nine and mosquitoes are "looking for skin!" I'm headed under the net for the night!

Another pic of the Rabbit Condos

Gaston, the manager at Kabuga woodworking site showing his guys' work. Next, the rabbits!


This is Edith, I think she is around 20 years of age.

More student pictures

This is Adeline. She is also taking the afternoon ESL class. She is a widow and has 4 children.

This is Placidia (Pla-cid-de-ah)

Erric knows about Rabbits

This is Eric, and he knows about rabbits. He is a student who comes even though he has a class right after our class. He has been very helpful,willing to translate for me when I've worn out my other translator, Olivia.

These young people need a job!

Ernest who wants to be a pastor , and John Pierre.

Talking can be wearing.......My Translator

Dear Olivia, Thank you so much for all the hours of talking talking talking! God bless you my dear!!! I pray daily that God will continue to encourage you in your work here at ERM office for His glory and honor.....
She was "installed" as new program director over seeing the sponsorships here. She has a big job, but she is up to the task! I've seen how God has equipped her for it and she is just such a blessing to me too!!!

Benson's first steps

Our littlest class member, Angelique's baby is taking his first steps during class.....

Some of the widows

Ange, in the back, Vestine in the middle, Libertha in the red and Eugenie in the front, enjoying a break.

Learning words like SHATTERING glass

Today at ESL early morning class we were able to learn a new word! The bottle I was using to teach "in" "on" fell "on the floor." It left shards everywhere! Hence a new word.....shattering!!!
The group here for this memorable event have been coming fairly regularly with the exception of one younger new girl. I was encouraged because of what they remembered this week....and was thinking some are praying for their teacher! I long for it to really be profitable....some walk far to get here and then attend school right after class.
Last evening was an ERM meeting at the house here. The board members came and did their business for hours. I had a part in it too. Reports were given and I think I am passing! However, Olivia is giving me a test today! I'm to sing the first 3 lines of a song in Ikinyarwandan. I have been practicing!
Test three is today for the Bible students also. They have been drilled on "man's utter helplessness to make himself acceptable to a Holy, Righteous God." God's WRATH, SIN, well, it's just what one must talk about if one wants the CURE! Jesus' righteousness!! Please be praying for us....students, teacher,'s a matter of LIFE and ETERNAL DEATH! Oh, that all will come to an understanding of God's only way to be delivered.....JESUS!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

OH, I was so pleased with the rabbit house that the men at Kabuga made! It was a beautiful sight!!!! AND so sturdy! This thing will LAST! Let's pray that it will be a means of LIVING for some....They will still need to be dependent on God however.....give us THIS day our daily bread......
That's the way of life here! There is a dependence of THE GIVER of ALL GOOD things among my sisters/brothers in the Lord here, that is still a bit "foreign" to me....but it's a principle in THE WORD for me. The manna in the wilderness was a daily dependence on God, their Sustain er/their LIFE. The Israelites were to look to Him, The "I AM" (they had been former slaves and God was building them into a nation that needed to be strong to withstand the test of the LAND OF Canaan....those giants in that land......those man made up gods of that land too.
I think this is just one of the many things that MY HEAVENLY FATHER is providing for me!
I'm trusting Him for 19 more rabbit condos.

We've begun!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's early

I'm up! I thought it was 5am but only 2:30am, but this is working now so I'm taking advantage of it! A mosquito was buzzing around my head and I just couldn't sleep wondering if it was "in" or "out" of the net!
Can't even find it now!
While I'm speaking about "critters" I thought I might mention the fact that I had my first real encounter with a cockroach this week. While the whole group of us were gathered studying Moses and Pharoh's hard heartedness one crawled out onto the floor into the middle of our group toward our youngest member...Baby Benson ! He was allowed to play with it for a while.....mostly just following it around the floor (I personally asked if someone would just step on it!) but it was a comical interruption! It also so reminded me of when John and I were first married during John's navy days at Virginia Beach. We lived in a motel. Joel was a baby and I remember one crawling out BOLDLY to eat crumbs as he sat on the floor munching on a graham cracker in broad daylight!
I'm no longer having problems with my stomach. Thanks for praying!
English lessons are going...I'm just not sure if I'm doing it the best way however!
This is true especially with the groups of children. They are always with different ones, different levels......on different days so the consistency is just not there! I'm usually teaching to the younger ones and having the older ones just listening in the background or working on "pages" that I have torn out of work books. I'm not too satisfied with how this is working just now however.
The adult classes are just starting. I'm finding out mainly where the students ARE.
We have been focusing mostly on building vocabulary words......
The Bible class continues.... Lesson 30 something......In the book we are in (written for those with little Bible background) there are 70 lessons (50 in the other version.)
This Saturday I'm to make the trek up the radio tower to speak. I do have time to get "sweaty palmed" about this so please be praying that I will know God's direction in what to say and also be able to deliver it! Moses had the same argument with God.....I'm not a good know the story! And remember how God kept saying...I WILL.....but he (Moses) just heard.....YOU want ME to do this.....and must have been thinking about when he killed that Egyptian.....I've tried before, I'm a failure......And a wanted criminal too!
I'm thinking of using the book I brought.....THE LAMB. I will read it perhaps! It even has questions at the end of each chapter for review. Well, that's what I'm thinking about this am.....I'm thinking now I should try to sleep...I looked at my clock and it's really only just now 2:10am! Silly me! This is what happens when I go to bed with the sun.......the electricity was out last night at 6pm right when it gets dark. There is just not much I can do when it's so dark early evening......but I'm tired enough to fall asleep really fast....!
John has asked me to write what I eat here because several have been asking him about it.
Here's what I had yesterday (Wed) COFFEE with powdered milk.....simply delicious! 5am with left over green banana with peas from dinner the evening before. It was cooked with carrots sliced in there too and Solange is a wonderful cook! I ate it cold out of the fridge....It's good!!
Then at 10am after the kids are gone I have a cup of Rwandian tea with milk and a bit of's delicious!!!! At lunch time Olivia, Jeanne DArc and I sit together over a wonder meal of any of the following......beans, cassava, potato, sweet potato, peas, carrots, usually some type of meat cubes like beef or fish, rice and a red, tomato sauce....I've had Pastor Emmanuel's favorite...FUFU...I'll explain that another day.....
Solange has been cooking ahead...or if there are left overs already cooked up I eat those in the evening after everyone has left for the day except my night watching man...(young man named John Bosco) He is a singing believer (I feed him cookies and he gave me a gift papaya) I attempt to "talk" but we just use motions a lot. and smile! He brings the water in that has been warming up out in the cook house on charcoal, as the water pressure in the house doesn't work for the hot water heater that has been set up in there. It looks wonderful, just doesn't work!
Yesterday at the ESL class we had cookies as we were learning plurals......three cookies, one cookie......Ange's cookie.....on the table, under the table, on the cup, on the white cup and so on....we had great fun!.....
I'm going back to bed....never did see that mosquito either!