Friday, July 30, 2010

A disappointment

Today was the day I wanted to show the ladies here how to use the "things" that were in the bin from Arlene. There are these Swedish metal things that are coated with batter, fried and then dipped in sugar and WALAH! an intricate cookie! Well, the recipe I made up didn't work! So we are back to the "drawing board" Does anyone have a recipe for this and do you know what I'm taking about......? I had wanted Solange to learn how to do this so she could stay home with a baby and make these on the side...hummmm?


  1. Here you go, their called,,,,,



    * 2 eggs
    * 1 tablespoon white sugar
    * 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour
    * 1 cup milk
    * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    * 1/4 teaspoon salt


    1. Combine eggs, sugar and salt; beat well. Add remaining ingredients and beat until smooth.
    2. Heat a rosette iron in deep, hot oil (375 degrees) for 2 minutes.
    3. Drain excess oil from iron. Dip in batter to 1/4 inch from the top of the iron, then dip iron immediately into hot oil (375 degrees).
    4. Fry rosette until golden, about 30 seconds. Lift out; tip upside down to drain. With fork, push rosette off iron onto a rack placed over paper towels.
    5. Reheat iron 1 minute; make next rosette.
    6. Sprinkle rosettes with confectioners' sugar.


  2. The ingredients were the same except no was dipping the irons in the hot oil first! THAT's what we didn't know about and is KEY I think! It took me awhile to wash off the batter! I wished I had had some spray PAM! OH!!!Thank you so much. Round two....
    I also found one lady who has an oven!!
    We are thinking CAKE BAKING.....I have to find a place where they sell powdered sugar. Thanks so much!!!

  3. The only places I found when I was there were downtown. One was a LARGE white building that is a mall and has an "American" type grocery store, same place I bought the Peanut butter this trip.
    Pam would NOT work as the hot oil heats the iron some BEFORE its dipped into the batter.
    Have fun.

  4. I have been there twice and asked several people and still don't find it. I even asked the bakery if they could sell me some because they have white frosted cakes there on display! No, so we are still looking!
