Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Habits die hard.....

I wanted to write today! It was such an encouragement to have so many come to the Sunday open house. I wanted to thank you.....if you are still reading this!
I found it easier to speak up in Rwanda then in my own home church! Interesting isn't it! I'm hoping that as a few more days pass.....I can think better and understand better what it is that God has done these past few months. It wasn't about me.....the trip to Rwanda.....but I am seeing that coming back with a different perspective on things involves a bit of introspection to assess the changes! I want to be forever changed! And I want to be able to communicate what it is God has done/is doing better than I tried to on Sunday!
I'm so grateful for my dear husband! He really is giving me time to adjust to life back here! I need to start working once again. I have found all the people who I worked for before I left still want me back......after fending for themselves all summer! (I clean houses/help elderly people live in their homes.)
I'm listening to the birds of Rwanda right now on my audio tape player. What a joy it was then and now too! God didn't have to make them with so many different songs but HE did! Why? Think about it! It's because He loves us and this, His creation shows us by the care He put into it all! My students even had a song talking about this!

They say it takes only 21 days to start a new habit! I'm beginning to believe it! I keep coming back to this page and wondering if I should post anything.....well, I wonder if there is anything worth recording.......AND I think yes! there is! God is the same here in US as HE is in Rwanda. The circumstances I find myself in today are very different from last week, but I know a few more things about this wonderful God we serve! I long to share them, record them, never forget them so to encourage others!


  1. yes! Keep posting! keep sharing what God is doing!

  2. Yes! You share so beautifully what God is doing and it encourages about His faithful love.
