Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So far today.....I skyped my family! I listened to the birds outside singing.....they do remind me..God Loves Me (you too!) Next, because we continue to have electricity I will walk out to the kitchen....dip water from the barrel to put in the hot pot.....boil it and make RWANDAN COFFEE!
This I will drink with's like a tortilla sort of and pineapple....maybe an egg (there are two boiled ones waiting in the fridge.)
While I'm doing this the children will be at the gate.....BANGing!! yesterday I had 30 in all all wanting to learn ENGLISH. I don't hear them when I'm sitting in the Kitchen so I'm not getting "irritated" in my heart about the banging, which is good because I really long to share the love of Jesus with them....not just ENGLISH! We sing ABCDEFG, Jesus died for you and me, HIJKLMN, Jesus died for sinful men, AMEN!, OPQRSTU, I believe God's Word is true!, UVW, God has promised you!, XYZ, a home eternally!
We are continuing with Virginia's lessons "Learn of Me" series. Plus vocab review by pointing to various objects and having them name it or point to body parts, things in the room.
This lasts until 9:30 or 10am. I escort them out the gate. Yesterday I walked home with some as my back was hurting from NOT EXERCISING! I may do that again today was enjoyable!
I usually study the afternoon Bible lesson, have prayer time until lunch is ready. Solange cooks out in the back shed on the charcoal pit delicous meals and Olivia with Jeanne DArc sit to eat. it's usually time for class then....2, some students come early.....1 maybe and rest in the living room. It's a good informal time to practice Ikinyarwanda.....and laugh!
Bible class lasts until 4 or 4:something. I then start another ESL with adult students (the class members who wish to stay plus others.....our watchman, a mother of one of the children I have in the morning has joined us, also every other day I have a different group. .... the advanced students...(Jeanne DArc one of them) come. These adult classes last from around 4:30-5:30, or whenever we are all too tired!
Solange has usually cooked my dinner and it's awaiting in a bowl in the kitchen. So when everyone has left for the day except John Bosco, the watcher, I relax in my room listening to my Ipod-like thing and eat.
Yesterday I enjoyed a visit from Tom. He had called Jeanne DArc to set up the phone was dead....(same problem I have in the US! sorry!!!)
We visited until 8Pm. I so appreciate this young man! He really is growing in his walk with the Lord Jesus! We have lively discussions and he tells me his latest "life events" and dreams!
After he left he called John to let him know I'm ok! I told him he should save his phone minutes as I just talked to him and will talk to him tomorrow...but he still called "Dad"
His father died when he was two.
Well, this is a more factual presentation of my the request of my dear husband.....Love you John and miss got cut off short this am but, just think of it! I SAW my family this am!! It's a modern techno miracle......what an encouragement SKYPE is!!!

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