Friday, July 30, 2010

Something I just have to share!!

Today was the deadline to find out which of the students are really interested in raising rabbits.....
I have three made already for the bunnies and the money for 10 more has been given by my church for the cage/condos. Just guess how many of students wanted them? thirteen!! I had assumed all would want it but there are some who live in situations where they just can't have them. One lives in a rented small room, another a house with no secure place (they would be stolen...cage and all as the yard is not fenced), among other reasons.....

I had started to agonize over this "project" but now I understand! The other students will be getting a different graduation gift. One is Ernest (he wants to be a pastor) and I already know what I'm getting him! A study Bible like the one I have. He has poured over mine and I've been agonizing over the thought that maybe I should just leave mine here with him. But, I think unless, I get instructions from God, he needs a new, unmarked one to "make him own." I heard just today that there will be a group coming here in September too! What wonderful news as I will be able to get it here sooner than November when another group was coming! Praise the Lord for how He in His Sovereign will is leading things! I'm so very grateful for His direction! I do need prayer, wisdom about the other students' gifts however......
I also found out today that this graduation celebration will be "An Event" with media too.

How grateful I am to the Lord for this summer in Rwanda! It has really been such a marvelous blessing in so many ways......sob-crying.......God is so good!! Never would I have thought His ways for me would include Africa! But it did/does and I have learned so very much, been so very blessed.......ah what joy in serving Jesus! Thank you to all who got me here! I'm so very grateful for your part in all this!!! I wish you God's blessing this day!!!


  1. Oh Debbie, I just Love getting your blog. The Lord is just using your willing heart to His glory so. I'm so blessed to have you as mh "daughter". I love you and God bless you my dear one. Aunt Ruth

  2. Thank you! SO good to hear from you!!!! You are becoming computer "SAVVY!" by knowing how to post on this thing, WOW! Thank you!!!!
    I so appreciate you praying for all this for His glory! Tonight on the radio again....this time I'm not as "anxious" so far! That's been a valuable lesson....turn those "anxious thoughts" into praying remembering WHO it is I'm here to serve and HOW Great, Almighty HE IS TO DO what is 'in my hand to do! I love you, thank you for the note!
