Thursday, July 8, 2010

I'm ON internet

Praise the Lord for a connection today!
It's been feast or famine! (fussy lines I'm guessing) Also, I read an email that Arlene's email list was compromised! I got two emails from her stating she had made a quick trip to London and had her bags stolen and was asking for money. It was a scam! Someone was using her email list and the writing bogus detailed things that even sounded like her! This sort of thing is like the motobike ride on the road was to me!
But! The facts are God is sovereign over all and He is in CHARGE of what is allowed to happen!
THIS brings me to RABBITS once again! I've been asking students know about them.....just don't have the equipment...a cage with two rooms. So! I have sent out the word to Gaston. He, as I write, is building one as the prototype for the 20 needed. I also gave him more money to buy bulk wire as it is like it is at home buy in bulk you save money.
Each one, with the rabbits, will be around $60 and this includes transporting them from Kabuga to Kichikuro Center where the students will have to get them the rest of the way to their places of raising them. Some students live where they have no room but others have more space and would be boarding them for the others. This has the potential for income generation for the individual. They are expensive to buy to eat now, but there is a market for them and can be traded for necessities.
I asked John to sell Mom's ring (it wasn't her wedding band but another one) today and Western Union the money! Twenty business starts! I believe it is a good investment!!!! I'm excited about this!! It's one thing to talk day after day about God's goodness, I long to BE HIS HANDS a BIT MORE!! The needs are so great, this is only a small drop in the bucket but it is what God has been placing on my heart for awhile to get done before I leave.......

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