Sunday, July 4, 2010

Rethinking the first month here

Well, with a title like this, I better get thinking!
Perhaps a better title should be given as I'm just not good at summary questions!!!
This is what I know! The Bible study teaches foremost God's character, His attributes, His Sovereign control over all.....that's what I'm learning also!
One lady , Cicele (pronounced See see-lay)on Friday, after the exam while we were awaiting another to finish up, stood to report how because of God's goodness we all were there, (taking a test) instead of attending her funeral. She testified that that week she had been in an accident, awoke in a ditch with the motor driver and they just dusted off the dirt after being hit head on with another motorbike coming around a corner. I had noticed she had a back ache earlier in the week.....
Another student told me he is so glad to be learning 'this teaching" as he goes to his peer group to explain things he is learning to them. He said many were not previously interested in the Bible.........Praise God!!
Another character/attribute we talk about is God's wrath directed toward all sin. It's been eye-opening ....getting glimpses into culture too. When we were studying Cain's line( see chapter 4 of Gen.) fast his descendants threw out God's ways.....for marriage...(one man/one woman) when Lamech was boasting to his two wives about how he killed a man.....BOASTING / making up a song/poem about it!!!! Olivia and others became so sober. They told me something that is done at their weddings. Something about this hit a memory and it was something I didn't ask for further clarification.........

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