Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's early

I'm up! I thought it was 5am but only 2:30am, but this is working now so I'm taking advantage of it! A mosquito was buzzing around my head and I just couldn't sleep wondering if it was "in" or "out" of the net!
Can't even find it now!
While I'm speaking about "critters" I thought I might mention the fact that I had my first real encounter with a cockroach this week. While the whole group of us were gathered studying Moses and Pharoh's hard heartedness one crawled out onto the floor into the middle of our group toward our youngest member...Baby Benson ! He was allowed to play with it for a while.....mostly just following it around the floor (I personally asked if someone would just step on it!) but it was a comical interruption! It also so reminded me of when John and I were first married during John's navy days at Virginia Beach. We lived in a motel. Joel was a baby and I remember one crawling out BOLDLY to eat crumbs as he sat on the floor munching on a graham cracker in broad daylight!
I'm no longer having problems with my stomach. Thanks for praying!
English lessons are going...I'm just not sure if I'm doing it the best way however!
This is true especially with the groups of children. They are always with different ones, different levels......on different days so the consistency is just not there! I'm usually teaching to the younger ones and having the older ones just listening in the background or working on "pages" that I have torn out of work books. I'm not too satisfied with how this is working just now however.
The adult classes are just starting. I'm finding out mainly where the students ARE.
We have been focusing mostly on building vocabulary words......
The Bible class continues.... Lesson 30 something......In the book we are in (written for those with little Bible background) there are 70 lessons (50 in the other version.)
This Saturday I'm to make the trek up the radio tower to speak. I do have time to get "sweaty palmed" about this so please be praying that I will know God's direction in what to say and also be able to deliver it! Moses had the same argument with God.....I'm not a good know the story! And remember how God kept saying...I WILL.....but he (Moses) just heard.....YOU want ME to do this.....and must have been thinking about when he killed that Egyptian.....I've tried before, I'm a failure......And a wanted criminal too!
I'm thinking of using the book I brought.....THE LAMB. I will read it perhaps! It even has questions at the end of each chapter for review. Well, that's what I'm thinking about this am.....I'm thinking now I should try to sleep...I looked at my clock and it's really only just now 2:10am! Silly me! This is what happens when I go to bed with the sun.......the electricity was out last night at 6pm right when it gets dark. There is just not much I can do when it's so dark early evening......but I'm tired enough to fall asleep really fast....!
John has asked me to write what I eat here because several have been asking him about it.
Here's what I had yesterday (Wed) COFFEE with powdered milk.....simply delicious! 5am with left over green banana with peas from dinner the evening before. It was cooked with carrots sliced in there too and Solange is a wonderful cook! I ate it cold out of the fridge....It's good!!
Then at 10am after the kids are gone I have a cup of Rwandian tea with milk and a bit of's delicious!!!! At lunch time Olivia, Jeanne DArc and I sit together over a wonder meal of any of the following......beans, cassava, potato, sweet potato, peas, carrots, usually some type of meat cubes like beef or fish, rice and a red, tomato sauce....I've had Pastor Emmanuel's favorite...FUFU...I'll explain that another day.....
Solange has been cooking ahead...or if there are left overs already cooked up I eat those in the evening after everyone has left for the day except my night watching man...(young man named John Bosco) He is a singing believer (I feed him cookies and he gave me a gift papaya) I attempt to "talk" but we just use motions a lot. and smile! He brings the water in that has been warming up out in the cook house on charcoal, as the water pressure in the house doesn't work for the hot water heater that has been set up in there. It looks wonderful, just doesn't work!
Yesterday at the ESL class we had cookies as we were learning plurals......three cookies, one cookie......Ange's cookie.....on the table, under the table, on the cup, on the white cup and so on....we had great fun!.....
I'm going back to bed....never did see that mosquito either!

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