Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Less than 24 Hours

This is an exciting day! But it sure includes a lot of the mundane stuff of life. Primarily things on the " last minute notes to myself," like; remember pack work shoes, iron your shirt, pack your Bible, check if you have your driver's license transferred to other purse.....things like that.

I'm tearing up just thinking about how wonderful our God is to allow me to do this (go to Rwanda) once again! And not just me but John too!

God has ABUNDANTLY provided the way thru our church family, relatives and friends. Thank you so much for your great encouragement, love in supporting us!

If you'd like to keep up with things happening with the team the best place to check will be the site. Press the "NEWS" to get to the blog. We had a bit of trouble getting our emails out but gmail is better.

Here's a recap of some of the people and projects we anticipate being involved in.

Pastor Emmanuel Sitaki, our leader, knows his homeland/culture, is so loved and longs to see people come to a clear understanding of God's gift of salvation, and true peace with God, found only in relationship with God, the Son, Jesus Christ. He will be leaving his wife and three children here. Please pray for them.

Along with visiting the widows /orphans involved at the Sewing Training Center in Kabuga, from last years trip, we will be taking eight more sewing machines to leave in Kigali with the hopes of starting a center there as well. These dear ladies are becoming very business savvy! They are thinking of starting a bridal shop where they will rent out western style dresses for those who have the means. We are taking several dresses over with us with lots of laces, ribbons and fun fluff for that!

How we appreciated all of you who prayed that we would be wise in our packing! We long to be prepared to help encourage these widow/orphans in some small way, to sometimes open the way for sharing words of hope, from the Prince of Peace, Lord of All.

What I learned while there last year that just stands out so much as I anticipate going once again is this: God takes what piddly little things we may offer up to Him and does as He wills, accomplishing marvelous things that only He can be given the credit for!! How exciting it is to be involved with His work!

This brings me to why we need you! PLEASE PRAY for us! Our hearts need constant attention!We want to be useful servants for Him: More than anything, we desire to see Him work through us, for His will to be accomplished and for His glorious Name. Pray that we will be "keeping short accounts" with our Father, eyes focused on Him, faithfully abiding in His truth (the Word) and joyfully ready to do what He asks of us!

Pray for our translators too. Their names maybe Tom ( a neat young man who calls me Mom and John, Dad) and Blessing (a dear lady who may go out with me if I do go out to visit specific widows/orphans from the 90's genocide.)

Again, thanks for praying for us! We so appreciate it!!

Oh magnify the Lord with me and let us extol His name forever! (I forget where this is )

Give unto the Lord the glory due His name! (Ps.29)

Thanks so much!

In His Love,


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