Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A day at the sewing center

Today, Tuesday, was a day spent at the Kabuga Site with the ladies. Time was spent working with the sewing machines, trouble-shooting problems and doing some machine repairs or trying to at least. The Viking from last year was stuck in REVERSE, AH! There were just some that we put aside. Other machines worked great and it was fun explaining sometimes with just motions and diagrams on paper the things that would help them learn to use them better. These women are so precious! Their lives are filled with hardship and so if they can make a little money, work faster, do extra ordinary things for their products then they can make a living.
A wonderful highlite was the fashion show! We had brought over with the 7 machines about 8 wedding dresses. Some of them were just so little in size that we thought alterations would be necessary first, but a dear little lady named Joyce was the perfect model for those. I showed a few who were interested how to make ribbon roses and thought of my mom. She was the one who had first shown me how and a lot of the stuff we were using were the left overs from the wedding bouquet she had made for me so many years ago. Oh, what fun we had dressing the brides! One girl asked if we had the groom in the boxes too! HA!
Meanwhile the men had a crew of manual laborers outside digging the foundation to the wood shop. Also there was a second group of new traines, 20 year old girls just learning to sew in another room with our dear lady named Tamara telling their stories and making "special princess crowns. Most have suffered so much and Steve L. was able to record some of the stories for us to hear later.
There was another message given at Tom's church (his pastor Augustine is away at Bible school.
)Mike's message was about forgiveness and so well received. It was such a blessing!
Our translators this year include, "son" Tom who has so enjoyed meeting his Dad, John and a dear older gentleman named Pastor Clement. They are so precious to us and sure help so much. With this cold, my voice is raspy and Tom got it too but still he talks on .....for Pastor Mike tonight and Tamara this am. These dear people are so encouraging to us. Their love is so genuine and it's been such a joy to share together in ministry.
Because of my "crud" I haven't been able to hold the little babies that are here with us at the Kabuga center either because I would just hate to expose them! That's been hard! I dare not! Been coughing into my elbow. Could you pray that I will not spread germs!
Tomorrow I'm not sure what I'll be doing, but the needs are great at the sewing center with just Kristi there so I'm helping however I can......pray that I'll have wisdom for that.....the machine I know (the Viking, ) is one that just wants to go in reverse at this point in time.....
The weather is fine, no problem and thank you all for praying about health stuff....just the crud now and even that seems to be getting better already! Praise the Lord.....(I hope to hold some of those sweet babies soon!)
Thank you for your prayers on our behalf!
In His Love,


  1. Thank you so much for keeping us updated on what is going on in Rwanda. I miss being there with you so this makes me feel like I am a part of the team. I am praying for you and the team and for the work that God is guiding each of you to accomplish. I am also praying for your health and the health of the rest of the team and for all the people you come in contact with. please tell everyone hi from me and I miss them and being there, especially Tom and Loice. Thank you, Love Evey

  2. Thanks for sharing, Debbie. The part about the ribbons and your mom was especially touching to me, bringing back many fond memories of Aunt Fern. She'd be so proud of you!
