Saturday, August 14, 2010

Some interview-ees

Gasbar the man in charge of the Saturday night program for children came to ERM to interview some of my ESL students. I didn't realize what he was doing until I heard him play them over the air waves just before the lesson I gave on Saturday. They all had very sweet things to say about what they learned. Tom translated for me to understand what they were saying. The "media exposure" for ERM is good! Olivia was interviewed explaining what they are doing for the orphans and neighborhood kids.
The actual radio program went very well too! Praise God! The part that I had prepared for some reason ended up being a lot shorter than the previous times even though it was a combination of several lessons taken from "THE LAMB" book. So! for an anxious moment, staring at the clock that said 6:35pm, I looked over to Tom, (interpreter) and just continued talking ......most all the things that I had been talking to him about just an hour earlier in the stairway! That was Gods prep time for what else HE HAD WANTED me to say too!! How grateful I am to Him for how He helps me is SOOOOOOO evident in so many ways, but as most of you all know, I just don't think "on my feet" too well! But God so graciously intervened once again......We had talked about the fact that God HIMSELF came! JUST think of that! GOD IN THE FLESH, IMMANUEL! Well, then it went on from there......I don't remember but we were scrabling to various scriptures.......Tom having me read one that he had just remembered reading......I know it sounds disjointed but it wasn't, it was wonderful to see God at work using who we are and what He has shown to us.......Praise God! and thank you so much for praying about all this. I know He has answered them and it's truly a marvel.
The day yesterday was just filled to the brim with wonderful things. We had planned to visit Jannelle C.'s sponsored guy who is with another sponsorship program. So in the am I hired a cab and we met him for pictures and to give him the gift that Jannelle had sent with me. It was fun to meet him. I don't know what all it took to get him there at the prescribed time, place but I know it was ALOT, just because that's how it is here especially with transportation issues.
OH, I saw Steven also. He was the one who had a baboon jump into his lap last fall when I was last here with my husband too. It was the Steven whose wedding I attended when Pastor Emmanuel was still here also. He is a driver for the other sponsorship program/ministry.
Getting back to Saturday. ....We then came back home and had the widows who could get here come for a cake decorating demonstration. I also made up a batter for Apple husband's favorite thing.....which I don't make at home but hoped to show them how! Oh, it was such fun to have this informal time together once again. I so enjoyed the "ladies in the kitchen", some washed my dishes from yesterday too! Several young people came too. One was Peter who I had helped HIS twin brother write his letter to his sponsor Greg. E. just yesterday!
I could visit with the younger people better than the others.....Olivia gets so tired talking, talking so I just would watch and listen to them visiting and telling stories. I learned a lot just by watching and was so amazed to see how telling stories really gets/holds attention! And causes emotional responses. This is too bad that I saw it so clearly so long after I've been here and am leaving! I thought I knew this before I came, but really I SAW yesterday with deeper understanding! My thoughts.....hummmmm if I come back, then......this, this ....NO! Instead, when I AM at home I want to RECORD in my little book, stories.......STORIES WITH purpose to present spiritual truth!
I learned several new words yesterday. John Bosco taught me umutuku...that means RED. And Olivia taught me the word for dust or dirt. The dust is really beautiful and it's really fun to say those words together. My friends here just laugh! (they are not fond of dust.....and boy! it's thick in places!!!)
I also wanted to learn something important to say to the kids last night so they taught me.....pain-painstakingly to say "Jesus is the Deliverer." Well, I guess I wasn't a very good student because I can't remember how to say it now.....but I got it down on paper.....phonetically so I will remember how to say it! Lord willing, when I get home !!!
The love of these dear friends, sisters in the Lord and the younger kids has been such a joy. They all love me so much! Jeanne DArc explained it for me why.....she stated "It's because they know you love them," (oh! that's so true!!) and she went on......"I'm uncomplicated," and "humble." So there you have it! I really think having a white-skinned, large woman around just adds variety!....humor! because let's face it, I'm foreign!

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