Thursday, June 24, 2010

Our Deliverer

The Internet was down for a while. Nothing would work....not even that TIGO stick, sad! But it's fine now!
Today we were on the lesson that introduced the promised DELIVERER! Genesis 3:15! What a joy it has been to teach. My new interpreter is Olivia the daughter of Pastor Clement. She is such a blessing and works so hard to explain things well.
I'm so grateful to the Lord for this past week! It's been like a little break of sorts! I'm here alone, sort of, at the guest house still as the ERM office is still undergoing renovations for my prolonged stay there. It looks like I may be able to move in tomorrow evening!
Meanwhile, I've been enjoying the friendship of a young woman from Columbia Bible College (ah, it has a new name I forget) doing an internship at Moucecore. She is African American, but underline American! I'm helping her with cultural adjustments and she is a wonderful friend to help me transition to being totally alone here......well, sort of alone here.......hummmm well, just white skinned American, alone here. I've never felt alone yet! Son evangelist Tom has assumed guardianship of me...."mom" and calls to make sure all is well. "Are you okay, Mom?" is what he asks most everyday. He also asks when I talked to "Dad" last. He was here this morning because my computer was down and that was before we knew it was a "widespread" problem instead of just my computer. We always pour over the scripture verses when he's here. He is going to type his dissertation today. The time to "give it" is coming up fast in July.
Every Saturday so far I have been at a wedding ......not sure we have anyone even remotely known, doing that this week far so good! (smiling widely) It is an honor to be's just they are very very long! (with lots of pictures !)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Young students wanting to work on English

Bible students at ERM office

More of the Bible class students
More of the 20 Bible class students

Mia Goodbye

Mia from Nebraska was the last to go (besides P. Emmanuel) She was a help at the wedding shop, encouraging the ladies with a business plan among other things. She also taught English to a group (a large group) of kids last week.

Good Bye Team

My new friend at the third wedding

This was my new friend at the wedding on Saturday. He turned into a pretty good interpreter! He is in grade 5! He was also photographer for me too. He snapped this one of us.

A Lesson for me

Today I saw so clearly the reason why a class like this from New Tribes Mission (Chronological Bible study) is so important......step by step laying a foundation on which the truth of the Word can be explained beginning at the beginning with God alone. We are on Lesson 11 a review of God, Satan, and Man..... I'm finding out the translation in Ikinyrwandan has major problems. A lady read from Col. 1: and it stated that Jesus was created. The meaning of the verse was not made clear at all. So we drill and drill on the attributes of God as seen in His creating the world and all. This includes His Triune "ity" (Let US make man in OUR own image)! Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Omniscience all these words the young people are getting! It's just such a joy to have such eager learners......I just can't express what an honor this is be here with them.
Rabbits are going to be my reward for persevering throughout the summer in class. So! I'm looking for the cage materials cheap. I have found one source of rabbits and will be needing gunny sacks to hand them out! I know this all may sound so foreign to many of you back home but it could really be a way to provide a source of income to many. They can sell them! Or trade or just eat them (we've been eating rabbit for dinner, now and then, and it tastes like chicken.)
Just consider these young people.....ages 19-22 They have a lot of time on their hands! One girl is still in high school....but the others are done with school, except wishing for university level classes which are out of reach. I long to do SOMETHING!!!!
Want to help? We need 40,000F for the rabbits (that's $80.) I'm thinking the cage materials will be a bit more. I'm also thinking I won't have them made as that will increase the cost too much. Pastor Clement thought they would all know how to make a cage.........we will have to see about that. His daughter Olivia raises rabbits herself!
On Sunday evening, I was taken to an English speaking service at Evangelical Restoration Ministries somewhere downtown. It was great to hear a pastor speak about the body of believers, the gifts to the church we each bring for His glory. Songs were all in English too....pretty neat!
Alfred was surprised to hear that I drive in US all the time. We talked about me driving here. I said I didn't think I should!! The more I think about it the more I'd like to ......but only over by the ERM office and only to church at Africa New Life and the market. I don't think Pastor E. will let me use his car however, and really when I think about it more I wonder WHAT AM I THINKING!!!! The roadway rules are VERY different here!
I am trying to get pictures up but am experiencing difficulty....hummm! Not sure why but sorry.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Paying for Education

Today one of my students came to class in the headgear of the local M. school. I had heard they pay for the school to get converts and today I saw that grime reality of it! My heart hurts!!! This girl had been homeless, staying with her friends, sleeping where they would let her in......Troubling! The goal is to get her in with a widow, sponsor them, but there are so many needing help! Her name is Adeline.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Wedding Three

I have not been able to get on the internet these past few days. Emmanuel's last day is today and he gave me his TIGo little appendage thingy. This little thing can be charged up and I have internet anywhere, really sounds too good to be true, really!!!!
The last time I wrote I think we were headed to Goma..well the border of Congo. Because two of us had no visa we stayed on the Rwanda side while Pastor E. met up with Bruce. Anita came over to visit with us at a hotel on Lake Kivu. It was surreal to be there with them! I remember having them in our home for dinner after they visited us at West Salem Baptist Church way back when the kids were all little! Never, would I have dreamed of actually being so close to where they have the Hope Center for helping children traumatized by war, et..all. Plus being there to see the results of God answering our prayers about the wood shop training center!!!! It is just so very wonderful!!! Praise Him Immana ee sheemway! (Not sure that's how you spell it but that's how I say it)
Saturday was my third wedding. This one was for the Steven that had the Baboon climb in his window onto his lap, last September while the rest of us were looking at hippos out the other side of the van. This wedding was very elaborate lasting until after midnight. The traditional dancers with complete authentic costumes that they changed several times was wonderful! I also go to see Loice from our first trip (she was translator for Kristi/Jeannie's sewing lessons in 2008) I also had a grade 5 boy named Eric take the place of translator for me during the proceedings as Emmanuel had to greet a group from the US .....17 people coming for ministry and all the transport vehicles were at Steven's wedding. Things get only a little complicated....but really fast sometimes! But NO PROBLEM!! say la vie....(is that FRENCH?)
The motto for yesterday....go with the flow......The motto today......go with the flow too!! It's foreign to me but I'm ok with it!!!!! I do wonder about all those pictures of me in some brides wedding album.......Who is this she will ask? Hummmm, I'm not sure! will be the answer, but I am giving wonderful wedding gifts.......THE LAMB book complete with CD in English. It may be a bit premature....written for children! But!!!! What a wonderful resource book too! Steven's bride is a Sunday school teacher....her class went up to give her a gift and ask that she continue to be their teacher even though she is getting married now. English is being taught to the children. Must go for now. Today is the day I will be here alone. EXCEPT a young student named Aneesha is here at the guest house also. We have plans to eat meals together. I won't be at ERM office until later this week maybe. They are putting in new plumbing for water, toilet, sinks.......all new! As Tamara's like we get ready for guests too only it's really major! That makes me feel so special! (somewhat a burden too.... but I'm learning it's NO PROBLEM!!) What Love! I tried to Skype home today and decided it maybe too 1am! Sorry honey! My communicate will improve immensely with this little thingy TIGO AND Emmanuel's cell chip as he leaves today.
Thank you for praying for me.......the Bible class is going wonderfully......the questions they ask are hard ones! I think of what I should have said late into the night sometimes.......Thank you for praying!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wood working machines for the shop!

We got the most wonderful news today about the wood working shop in Kabuga!! The Padens missionaries with World Venture in Goma are selling us their wood working "gear." The building that stands poised, ready for the "guts" for training young men in the trade, will have what it needs to begin!!!! We are praising God for this blessing straight from His hands!!! The cost is half the price of the machinery worth, and it is already fitted for use in Africa........what a blessing.
Tomorrow, Emmanuel and Tamara's last day here, will include a journey to Goma to finalize the plans. I will be accompanying them on this trip!

I think back to September when this shop's foundations were laid out so carefully, prayerfully, and now this news.......well, I feel like dancing for joy before the Lord!!! (This would definitely be the African-way!)
Yesterday for our Bible Foundations class, we covered lesson 2 and 3 as we have two hours for the study. These students have Bible background, some more than others. We are studying about the character of God, His Eternal, Self-existence (He NEEDS NOTHING!) Sovereignty and then we got into the creation of spirit beings, angels. I'm so grateful to the Lord for a little book that I brought from home compiled from scripture......Alban Douglas's 100 Bible Lessons. All the work of gathering the verses has been done, I just present the verses for those students who wish to check out what I know like the Breanes of Acts 17:10. So we are getting on "rabbit trails"'s mostly the young boys who have been taught some catholic doctrine. One boy stated he had three guardian angels. I asked if he knew where that was in the Bible.....if he could show me than we would all choose to believe that (maybe we have more per person!) I love the interaction and just the joy of teaching these eager, dear women, the three boys and three younger girls. It's just so wonderfully a joy and honor to have the opportunity!!! Pray for us! I tell them daily that the goal of our learning is not to get big heads, puffed up in pride of that knowledge but that as we continue to learn we would become more and more "fit servants" that will please God, and instruct many many more all for His glory and honor. WHAT AN HONOR!!!!
Thank you! You who are praying for this ministry and all who have had a part in getting me here! May you KNOW GOD"S BLESSING to YOU this day!!!!! Your part in this is not taken for granted!!!!!!Thank you so much!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day One

Our first day of Bible Foundations 101 took place yesterday! What a thrill! Even more wonderful was seeing some of the same orphan faces that I had worked with reading in these past two weeks! All are widows with many children and orphans that live in their home. The ages range from 50 to 40's. Then, there are the younger orphans, their average age is 20.
When I met the two Adelines I told them that my best friend Lianne is praying for them. One, the widow, started to cry. The other is a young woman I had met earlier. I remember her saying over and over that she wanted to go to America.
There are 4 orphan boys ages 19-22. One is Eric who I had reading with me to the younger orphans. He was very helpful and I was so happy to see him back! Eric was the name on my original list.....I just assumed all were widows but I was wrong! George (at home) is praying for this young man! He introduced himself as a bachelor! Everyone laughed and because of all my wedding experience lately, I mentioned he was waiting to get those cows!.....the other boys remarked," Yes, and a house, and an education and a job and a girl!" These are all out of reach for him at the moment.
This is why I'm still thinking about RABBITS!
I'm checking into the price of cages......
Could you please be praying about this also. I wanted to start a little bunny farm in the back of my ERM room.....see if they are as prolific as everyone says they are and then leave them with several of the students.... a pair for each student at least with a cage.
I think it's do-able!
ESL lessons will begin in earnest next week....Monday through Friday 4:00 to 6:30.
So, once I move to ERM office the mornings will be prep time and the day will begin in earnest at 2:00 for the BIBLE 101 class with ESL following.
I appreciate all you praying about all this! Thank you so much and God bless you this day with a glimpse of His wonderful mercy, grace and love!

Bible 101

Today is the day we start! I'm so excited to hear about the change in plans for this day. No pictures of the property today, instead I was informed that the widows and orphans were coming today to start for the summer Bible 101 Foundations class! It will be this afternoon and include some of the older boys that I worked with earlier in my time here. This is great news as they were so eager to learn and also had a heart for teaching it to the younger boys and girls. We are talking about young people, ages around 19 to early 20's with the widows too!
Please be praying for this first official meeting time. I long for it to be encouraging to them, but also that they would understand the importance of committing to it too........I'm praying that the Spirit of God would take what I prepare and just multiply it for His eternal value/worth! All for His glory......I'm so excited!!!
Psalms 119 is just jam packed with the benefit of knowing His Word and I'm praying that 119:99 will be true of this group......after I'm long gone for the good of their families, churches, Rwanda!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mind Attacks

I was wrong! My camera was not taken! What a lesson these past few days have been for me! What a mind trip!!! Pray with me, will you, that I see clearly what it is the Lord is trying to teach me with all that has happened. I believe He has a lesson in it all and I'm so grateful that it was the week-end when this all took place as it was a major distraction! Frighteningly so, in a time, energy consuming way! My mind was a battle field and there were land minds going off all over the place!

Other fearful things ......Tamara on the balcony of her room when a huge swarm of bees ......a big black cloud of them descended......there are no screens up there either! She came running down to my room crying out to shut the windows! My windows all have screens down here and there was no danger, no one else was around and no one was stung!

Interesting how the enemy of my soul can take me if I give him a toehold in my thoughts. I don't want to go into much detail but suffice it to say I've had to confess some sinful, wrong thinking about someone and well, things are the same but I can move forward as I long for God to be able to use me......cleaned vessel daily offered up to Him for His service.

......How great is our God and what a comfort He gave to me from Psalms 34-37.
Today the three of us women attended Pastor Augustine's church with Tom. Tamara give a message and I gave a children's lesson talking about the eagles my brother counts in the Canadian Rockies.....mentioning that those eagles know where to go.....It's amazing how can they know the way!? There are no signs that tell them the route to take ...but God shows them the way and how His word is so important in knowing the way to God and how to live once we have come to know Him as Savior.
Tomorrow I will be going to the property that Pastor Augustine wants to build on to take pictures for Vickie.
Emmanuel will be coming back later in the day and so I plan of using this delay for prep time, however that can change as I don't know if the Ladies are coming starting tomorrow or not.

I had the honor of attending another wedding on Saturday. This was just one hour church service long but it was for a friend of Tom's who remembered me from two years ago at the Youth Worker's Seminar that Joshua, Evelyn and I put on the first time we came to Rwanda.
Lots of weddings going on here. Must be lots of cows being exchanged too...I asked Tom if they were given....."oh yes!" That's the bride's price!

Also, on Saturday I accompanied Tamara and Tom up those 6+ flights of stairs to the radio station where a whole hour was given to her to speak! At the end many called in to ask for prayer. This is a country where many children are fatherless......and the consequences so very painful .....abandonment, no money for school, poverty, but Tamara was used in a mighty way to speak truth about practical ways of helping those experiencing grief from loss. I had the privilege of seeing God answer our prayers for wisdom and just the right words of help and hope from the Father God's own heart for these hurting people. The radio Children's pastor will be attending my ESL classes this week too as many in his audience are learning English now too at school.
The mosquitos are bad tonight. I'm set however! The people who left gave me their repellent! That, added to what I brought should last all summer!!
Well, random as all this is, I want to thank you for praying for me/us! God is meeting me with His peace in every circumstance once again! I know it's because people are praying that fear is gone! I expect troubles but I know the Lord will be my help! Psalms 62.....My rock, my fortress and very present help in times of trouble!Praise Him! Imana ee sheemway!
Yesu alrago koonda! (Jesus love you!) CHA NAY (very much!)

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I'm glad I posted pictures last time I was on here because my camera is gone at the moment. I hate to say it has been stolen but that appears to be the grime reality. It's not the fact that I have no camera that hurts the most as the treachery involved with who took it. It was while I was in and around my room, to the bathroom, visiting with others......That's the hard part! But God has been meeting me at my point of need for His direction and wisdom on how to confront this issue here at the guest house. It is a real learning experience for me and I'm grateful to God for the timing of it and all also as several here have said they would leave their camera's for me to use this summer! That's such a huge blessing!
Still, there is the wondering.......hummm! I hate this part and am struggling with just letting it go! The pictures on the camera are not an issue either as they were just transferred the evening before it disappeared by a team member (Tim the Tech) so they will all be on a CD when I get home! See how gracious our God who sees all, knows all works! There is a thing He will be doing that it better than the camera....perhaps in the heart of the thief, perhaps in my heart more......learning how I need to be more careful among other things.........So! Lord Your will be done!!
This day is Saturday and I'm doing my laundry among other things. Tonight I will go with Tamara to the radio station where she has been asked to speak. I've been up those steps before with Joshua and Evelyn so am reminiscing all those wonderful memories today! Emmanuel has gone South. It's just the three of us at the guest house.....of the original 9.
Arlene showed us the article written about IRM in the local paper. Can you get the THE NEW TIMES ? The article was wonderful and the picture includes Pastor Stevens who is the father of someone who goes to our church in Salem! log on to for the article on page 5. I count it such an honor to be here to pray for them as they minister in the prisons. They will be leaving on Wed. next week.
Last night for supper we had PIECES OF STRANGE LOOKING "chicken"...RABBIT! It dawned on me that if these little critters are so prolific why not have the shop build a hutch NOW so by the end of summer I'll have pairs to give away to the widows who will be coming for the summer Bible course. Pray for the boldness I need to just ADVANCE ForWARD!
I'm going to check into this as soon as I have the sim card for my phone, this is what I'm getting from the phone Emmanuel has so I will have to be patient.......It's hard to wait but definitely a USA mentality versus other cultural ways here. It is this "way of doing business" that can harm also....I've seen here......Tamara shared with us this am about the meaning of the word Muzungo........we thought it meant crazy white people but the meaning goes further into something like useless spinning or unproductive spinning/activity !!! I'm not sure that was exactly what she said! But, HA! How telling! Our ways are not Rwandian ways and so trying to help, for example at the wedding shop, has been a challenge for me.......the truth of God's Word seems to be a great common ground! SO, I need His wisdom, remembering things that would apply in this situation. I love those girls and long to see them earn a decent wage for their labor. It's frustrating getting all the stories/ facts however......Pray for wisdom, understanding that goes way beyond our Muzungo ways!
Krysti!! They need bigger sizes of dresses also. We had a prospective client Thursday however, she didn't find her size. The ladies with the means .........They also rent the whole package deal.....including the bridemaides dresses. They have the most beautiful set up,so light and spacious.....just not the needed inventory.......fine fabrics here for the traditional dresses that they also rent out are so expensive......$60 plus to make one outfit!! It's so easy to make but the fabric imported from Korea perhaps's crazy! we also found taxes for the priviledge of doing business are high also.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The rainbow picture

This picture was not taken in Rwanda but was left on my camera. I took it on the evening before I left for this summer ministry. All the way home from our Son and Daughter-in -laws home this great bow filled the sky! It was like it followed us all the way hour!!! What a beautiful reminder of our Lord's love and promise that He would never flood the whole earth again. It was also a precious display of His love, mercy and grace! Isn't it so beautiful!!!! I hope you enjoy the picture too and remember His great love for you this day!!!!

More of the dear orphans. They are so sharp....learning English so quickly and two here in particular, who love the Lord and are trusting Him for their future schooling. For example, Peter in the orange, wants to be a Shepherd! A pastor! He was already so helpful in explaining the Bible truths to the others who were struggling a bit with the English. Also here is Eric (white shirt with stripes) who has a goal of learning business, has already done an accounting course in high school but desires to go to university.......They were so patient to wait out the whole day for their chance at a sponsorship.
I'm ending this day with this now. I'd appreciate your continued praying for me and these next few days of working with the ladies at the wedding shop. Thank you so much for reading all this and especially those prayers. God is giving me such peace. The heat and humidity are not so bad. Every day clouds come and cover the sun bringing relief. Plus I'm not out in the direct sun much. A stomach ailment this am turned out not to be a problem......

These are just a few of the hundreds of orphans that are waiting for their interviews with T.J. and Charles whose church is going to be sponsoring a group of them for a three year commitment. I've been working with them while they have to wait. Many are in school learning English and are anxious to practice reading it out loud to me. I've been using the Good Seed booklets as readers and the book called The Lamb because of it's pictures and wonderful Biblical text. We discuss what they are reading for comprehension and it's such a joy to be teaching Bible truths at the SAME TIME!!! Many have come to the Lord as a result of these discussions!!! It's so FUN!!!!!!!! Some of the older ones even interpret for the ones who are not yet getting English instruction.

My co-worker Mia and the girls at the shop. This is the Imikenyero traditional dress that the ladies are making to rent for weddings.

What a happy reunion at the Sheer Joy Bridal shop. These are the workers....excluding Tom. the interpreter. These young girls are such a joy to be with these past few days. Krysti! We all miss you too!

Kabuga Wood Training Shop

This is a huge building!! Now all it needs is the equipment inside to be a functioning training center!

On with other things

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.....I'm going to post pictures as I'm feeling a bit tired and I seem to be getting the hang of it......and it's (internet) still working.

I'm on a roll

This is the last of the wedding pictures. The lady on the left was the Matron of Honor.

opps picture didn't work

I'm trying once again with a picture......

still more

.These are the dresses that the ladies at the shop rent out. Red is a very popular color. There were several wedding parties with red maids in attendance

More pictures

Here comes the bride!


Here's some pictures..... I'll try..OK!!
This is the bride and groom......After the traditional dress part....outside the church. Because she is a believer, she chose the long sleeved dress.
It was after this that we went to the park for more pictures..then the reception in a building that lasted into the evening. It was an all day affair with much Fanta! And my picture was taken, I truly believe about as many times as the wedding party! This is a SLIGHT exaggeration!
During the reception we ladies in blue IMMIKENYERO were asked to come forward and speak. Jeanne DArc spoke as did Beatrice for us telling about the Kabuga sewing training center and the bride's job. I wondered at the time, if all this could raise the number of cows needed.....but this was settled that morning, I'm sure now.


Today my job was to go to the wedding shop and teach business skills. The three who were working there were under pressure to finish some clothing that was ordered by the group leaving tomorrow. I thought I could just ask questions while they worked. That worked for a while. You know, there seems to be a lot lost in translation! I wonder over the cultural differences also. so pretty much I stuck to the Bible for wisdom.
Unmuzzle-ing the oxen was one thing I remembered! Those who are there doing the work are to be the ones who should receive the benefit of their labor or else they will get discouraged and not work as hard. This was a rule I lived by out in the strawberry field! It's those who do the labor need to see fruit of it otherwise they will get discouraged and not work as hard. It's the principle of "if you don't work, you don't eat" stated in a positive way! The money coming in needs to go to those who are doing the labor.....not to all members of the co-op! Unless they are doing things I don't see or know about. But from what I understand these unseen members get pay even though they are not doing any of the work.
As it is now, and if I understand rightly there are those who I haven't seen working yet who get a portion of the income, even the bride who is taking a month off with another girl who is "in her company." Another lady has a day job at a hotel and works there in the evenings.

I was encouraged to help them see that they need to really get going meet their expenses, or it just won't work. They must get marketing their services. Krysti has been emailing me ideas too.
While I was there today three customers came in. That was very encouraging. However, not all the dresses were available to view as they were in bags dirty from rentals long before I came. I tried to instruct them that these needed to be laundered right away for good business practices. There are no washing machines to just throw a dress in I found out. They must be taken to a dry cleaners....where they either dry clean or perhaps use a washing one really knew if their were washing machines in that place of business. But the price is the same $20 US. There are such interesting things to consider when doing business here!
Also, we thought a sign would help. Nope. The taxes on signs are to be paid monthly and John the Baptist thought it was over $50 per month! Yikes! And this is in addition to the rental and city taxes. Interesting!
All this to say "We ain't in Kansas, Dorthy!" Oh yah, a jar of Jiffy peanut butter is $22! Arlene, who is working with Prison Fellowship lives here at the guest house showed us the pricey jar!

Well, the most encouraging thing to happen today was that I had opportunity to talk to Tom about the Lord, Bible truths and I know the Lord gave me wisdom in this as His Word is truth and will accomplish what God wills in it being proclaimed!
I was also introduced to a widow lady who will be starting the summer Bible Study with me! It's so close now.......these days are not going as I expected.....but are days that I find God graciously using me to disciple one on one and encourage believers, my sisters in the Lord.
It's hard to explain the suffering here. It's overwhelming if I stop to ponder it. So many needy people! Those without Christ, well total despair. The basics needed for living are not available to so many......refuges, people struggling to find work to care for the basic needs.....shelter, water, food. However, so many of my sister's in Christ are filled with joy, the promise of a home in heaven and an end to all this here.
Hey! did I mention that at our guest house is the father of a couple that attends our church! The Steven's family....their Dad is here working with the prison group (Arlene!) SMALL WORLD!
There is also a group from Michigan working on water projects. I'm really going to try to get pictures up......
A funny thing happened. I showed a couple a picture of my son as we were walking home from church on Sunday. The man stated that he thought he'd seen him here before! He got son Joel mixed up with Rick Warren! I thought it a bit ironic and funny!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Trying to get more pictures here has not been working for some reason. It is hit and miss. but I will be trying periodically, ok? I'm guessing that's why this is a blog and not a photo album! The pictures could tell so much more. I'm going to try to post them John. I'll try to put them through on gmail which seems to work better for volumes of whatever it is that is sent!?! HA I so marvel at all this techno stuff and God's gracious gift of it for me while here! What a true blessing it was to speak to John, see his face and Jannel too on Sunday via Skype. I also got a look at son and daughter'in law with grandbaby too!!! OH! I Love this techno stuff!!!! (even with the glitches!!!!)

To continue on about the Wedding day means I'm not blogging about what is happening yesterday, and today. I'm so torn because it was such a remarkable event but what has been happening yesterday is also! It's like they go together however! The official wedding shop rental place received some good "exposure" at the wedding with the dress.......extra long train ! and the brides' maids dresses that I had the dress sent to the dry cleaners right away.
You see, after the church ceremony (second event) came the pictures in the park (3rd event), a processional sort of thing under the statue of the widow and orphan at the traffic circle......for those of you who have been know the place?.....Well, there must have been 8-9 there wedding parties there also parading around the grounds for pictures with lots and lots of people. It was a great time to "scope out" the competitors in the bridal rental business!
Our girls had done a wonderful job.....Pastor Emmanuel stated there was over 100 weddings Saturday. Marketing is so important! so that's what Mia and I worked on Monday. We are getting a book together of their inventory. We are also buying more bride's maid dress fabric....they want's very popular NOW here.
Two of our team members left yesterday. Friday more will....Mia and Emmanuel will be later.
BYE for now.

On with the story

I just finished describing the first "event" of the celebration. I'm trying to get more pic.... more important ones!! (Tim the tech guy had to fix something so I should be able to "see" what I'm pasting now!!) Cool
This pic is of the groom's entry carrying baskets of gifts for the bride dowry.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


After the bride came out served drinks, she and her groom entered the house and came back out with plates of food. The family members were escorted into the house after this in orderly fashion. The meal was delicious! Manitoc, potato, veggies........beef chunks....more Fanta.
After the meal it was time to go to the next thing......the Church! I'll be continuing this later.....I'm really going to try to get pics up.....Thanks for your patience!

I'm Back

I needed to post and leave for a moment because Tim the Tech was ready to help me get Skype up and running. I saw Jannel for a moment and heard her typing!
That's good to go now, what a blessing!!!!
I know I left off the Wedding story at the Bride's home in the am. I was "dressed" out in the parking area with lots of little eyes watching the muzungo attended to. (Muzungo is what the children cry out as we pass by in the means rich, white, person.)
So, we enter the courtyard all decked out in beautiful cloth! We pass by chairs that are empty to get to the brides' side of the seating. I am given a place just behind the women of the extended family with the men are all seated in the front row. We are under the tent out of the sun that is already a bit warm for the dear people who GAVE UP their seats for Jeanne DArc and me. It's more than a little embarrassing to be given such preferential treatment. But this was only the beginning. My picture was taken more than I can count. I even decided to take a pic of one of the photographer taking my picture!!
It was an honor to be there!
The ceremony began when the announcement came that the groom's side of the family had arrived. They entered in a grand procession carrying large baskets on their heads and lots of Fanta soda pop. It was all very formal.
The next thing to happen was the two sides facing each other....the males of the families spoke to each other. Their was the formality of sharing a drink.....perhaps coffee.....then other things too that I forget.
There were gifts given to the brides family. I saw a new shovel, and a new water jug that is used to carry water......the women carry these huge, heavy things on their heads (I tried to lift one off a woman's head last Sept. and could not it was so heavy!)
There was discussion about the cows also. They had been delivered already earlier in the week to the family herd. Jeanne DArc translating for me stated sometimes money is given in lieu of cows but it would be a cow price.
The talk continued back and forth. The brides family were saying that the man who was speaking on the Grooms was his first time in this capacity.
Well, the next part that I remember was they asked for Lilyanne to be given. The talk on the brides side was then something like.....there are more than one Lilyannes in the family. They wanted a bit more information, on which girl they were talking about!!! "The big one!" was their reply!
Finally, we were introduced to the groom. "" A boy!" the eldest member on the brides side yelled!
Drinks were served all around again and Fanta for the rest of all of us. These weddings are quite expensive! Jeanne DArc said all the extended family was called upon to help with the costs. But that was just the beginning.
The bride in traditional African style came out. She was absolutely beautiful! Much taller than her beau but no matter. She was so elegantly dressed and attended by many women all dressed in traditional dress.
The ceremony included passing around a drink again .....I forget if the bride served this time too.....I think she served her grooms family and greeted each of the women in the first few rows.
I'm going to post this now.....TO BE CONTINUED

Really, the Wedding

I thought I would have time to post about the wedding yesterday but that day has come and gone....... and is history now! The time flies here!
It is Sunday and I have this afternoon to rest up. Several who have never been to the Genocide Memorial are there this afternoon. Arlene is here with here son, Alfred, Blessing and the children. It's a time I'm thinking of my family and missing them too! So I took the time to write on facebook and email them. I have not been able to SKYPE yet. It has something to do with the internet connection here. Tim our Techno dude stated it like goes and then it skips out....then goes and well THAT's the reason I have trouble sometimes......after writing something and then finding it has VANISHED.
I have not been able to Skype, he thinks, because of another program protecting my computer....He is here until Friday so he's going to work on it today maybe. Meanwhile Tom connected me with John on Friday afternoon via his phone.....but did I already write about that?????? Sorry if I'm repeating! I'm getting a sim card for my phone from Jeanne dArc.....soon!

On the Monday that we visited the ladies Kigali wedding rental shop Liliyanne was there sewing. We found out she was making curtians in preparation for her up coming marriage. She invited us to it on Saturday. I wondered if she was just being polite or it was a real invitation. After speaking to Jeanne DArc about it, we agreed I should talk to Pastor Emmanuel about the possibility! It is a huge honor!
The groom came by on Friday while Mia and I were at the shop.
Friday evening Jeanne DArc came by to tell me when she would be picking me up. The rest of the team would be the game reserve. I showed her what I thought I would wear to the celebration, she informed me she would provide the traditional Rwandan attire! I asked about a gift and asked about the book and towel I would wrap up in one of Vicki's beautiful red scarves as I had no paper. The girls at the shop had red dresses for the bridesmaides so it fit ok! I would get a card the next day.
Saturday came. The first (of 4) ceremonies was to begin at 10am. They would come to pick me up at 9am. It's close to 10 my ride is here and the car is FULL of the wedding shop girls!!! How fun! So exciting!!
We drive up a very rough road and then down and wait. We are picking up another girl from the shop. They sit on laps in the very back. We are off once again (Obed is our very good driver!)
I turn to take a pic of Godbet sitting next to me talking a mile a minute and find my BATTERY IS DEAD! Jeanne Darc comes to the rescue with rechargables!
As we approach the place we are to go for the first part we see the tents in the distance. Two tents are set up in a narrow backyard. I find out this is Lilyannes relatives. She is an orphan so it is her stepmothers relatives place where we are headed. The roads are amazing. (Oh! did I tell you we had a flat tire the day before on this same vehicle?) NO PROBLEM!
So, we are below the house, out of the car and they are dressing me in the blue traditional outfit over my black skirt and black shirt. There are four of us wearing the blue.
I'm sending this so I don't lose anything.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Rwanda Wedding

Hello! It's such a blessing to have internet connection today! There is so much to get down in print but I know I won't be able to do that! Thank you so much for praying for me and our team! The Pastor's conference on evangelism, the recording of the stories of the huge group of widows and orphans went very well!!! The members of the team that had those responsiblities had many many wonderful stories to tell.
I have already forgotten where I left off in this journal as the days have absolutely flown by!!
Pastor Mike T. and Pastor Emmanuel finished the conference yesterday so he and another man working with interviewing the widows and recording what they think would be a good small business to start up with...are leaving already on Monday.
Tj and son Jacob have been at the ERM office daily recording orphans stories and finding out their "dreams" with regard to schooling. Many are at different levels.
I have been doing several different things. A lady from Nebraska is here also and together we have been talking with the wedding shop ladies to assess their on going rental, electricity inventory needs. Things are so different here! As I was helping one bride to be finish up a curtain she was making there in the shop the string broke. I asked for a NEEDLE. There were none to be found! We went out to also BUY PINS and what an adventure we had! Because of my skin color (perhaps) they wanted to charge us 50 cents PER PIN! We came back empty handed and are savoring each straight pin with a head on! And this sewing shop has not one hand sewing needle.
On Wed. and Thursday my time was divided between the ERM Office and the wedding shop.
Friday we took inventory pictures of the dresses to put in a photo album to help with marketing their styles for rent. The hurdles are great. We had many dresses in bags awaiting dry cleaning which would cost around $20 us dollars each! I asked why that cost wasn't covered with the rental price. Things like this need to be discussed further with their business.
I'm trying to get pictures on here!
I really want to let you know how I have found my "niche!" At the ERM office while all those young people and widows are awaiting their "OPPORTUNITY" to be interviewed and have their picture taken they are just sitting out in the main "lobby" area. Jacob plays soccor with some but I've been working with the young people who are so very anxious to practice their English skills. I have been pleasantly surprised by how fast these young people who are in school....primary and beginning secondary are learning to read English! I have them read out loud to me in a large group, practicing the sounds...."L" is difficult or example, but then I ask questions about the content of what they are reading for comprehension and building vocab. What we are reading has proven to be just what I had longed for!!!!! The Good Seed booklets are the best READERS in the WORLD!!!!!!! They follow the Creator, His ownership, Sin entering .......Chronological Bible Study in an easy read way. These booklets I THINK were developed by former NTM missionaries and with another mission organization Wycliffe. I can't explain in words how wonderful it is to be explaining God's special revelation to people of the world for English class!
IT CAN't get any better!!!! The interest is high and His Spirit is working in the hearts of many. I have had the wonderful opportunity to lead in prayer many to a saving trust in Jesus alone for their salvation!
I'm going to a WEDDING TODAY of one of our orphaned young women that we started with at the sewing center in Kabuga in 2009! what a joy this is for me! I'll let you know how it goes!! I'm really going to try to post pictures too .....soon.....pray that the internet is up later too.
Also, pray for the travel of those who will be leaving Monday. There was also a theft at the ERM office. Solange the caretaker's phone was stolen two days ago by a group of the younger orphans. There is a competition sort of thing happening and two girls were in a fist fighting mode.....not sure what all was going on......could you pray for our place that God's word would be planted into the hearts of many who are listening........the boys that read also interpret for the younger ones who are just learning to read English. I tell them they will someday need to declare God's word to the "MOMMAS" also who, like me, find it very difficult to learn a whole new language at our age!
Thank you for your praying.
I'm sorry I'm not EVEN RE-READING this to see if I mispelled anything,bye.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

More to Update

On Tuesday we had the treat of going to the Kigali wedding shop. OH what a welcome! The young women were so excited to also receive the beautiful gowns we had packed with us. There is a lot of fluff with these dresses and putting them in zip bags and sucking out the air was the way to go! One dear young girl is getting married this Saturday. She was so excited to see "new" gowns ...not sure if she had her choice decided yet!
Opps the mosquitos are my room, I'll have to get back after I take cover under the net.....bye

A quick update of these first few days

Hello!!! I know it's been several days since I got here and I have not posted anything! So sorry! I do have an excuse! IT"S IN FRENCH...the sign in page and I just didn't take the time to figure it all out!
There is so much to be grateful to God about! Our luggage was all here even with the long delays and changes in air schedules! Everyone is off and running and well, it's just so wonderful to be here!
A few major changes have taken place. I have a short term co worker! Her name is Mia and she was going to join the September 09 group but didn't make that one. She is here now with us and planning a longer stay also!
Our intrepreter, EV. Tom (aka Son) because he calls me MOM, called John (aka Dad) with the news I had a arrived before I could even think of such an important task!
For a quick up date on what's been happening I'll start with Sunday. We attended Emmanuel's church which is under construction! They are meeting in a make shift place where people just keep coming and coming in for both services. It was so wonderful to hear the choirs and sing with them too. Just thinking about the warm welcome we receive brings tears to my eyes once again! The family of God is precious. I actually recognized faces from the previous times here too!
We are once again staying at Moucecore House and I'm in the same room that I've had these past three trips! Same view but there are different noises from the hill sides that face my balcony window. There are more dogs out there somewhere! They sometimes are sounding like they are in pain and they all seem to have sympathy for each other!
I am following a pattern of waking up in the early am hours......3am ....this am 4am and not able to go back to sleep so I use my time wisely reading and preparing for "important things I may be asked to say," from God's Word and , I've been reading the Good Seed booklets/books....written in easy English so they are easy to translate.....I'm trying to get clear, simple language to come out of my mouth. Pray about this would you?
On Monday we visited the Kabuga site where the wood working shop building was finished. IT"S huge!! And the roof is on! While there I was able to share with the newest sewing young women a
short devotional and with the help of our team ladies, we were praying with 8 to receive Jesus as their Savior!!!
One was Anne the teacher! What a special blessing to be given the entire classroom instruction time to share the Word of God with these precious young women!!!! This was MONDAY I have more to write but I'm afraid of losing this blog so I will publish now and hope to continue very soon, Lord willing!! I'll try to get pics on too......we'll see! I have not been able to skye yet and not sure why but we have a computer dude on the team who is working out kinks still for all of us!